How To Keep German Cockroaches Out of Your Home

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Desert Hills Home Tour - 03/14/2008
Desert Hills Home Tour - 03/14/2008
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300 million years is a very, very long time. 300 million years is how long cockroaches have been on this planet. Considered to be one of the most successful species on earth, cockroaches have gone so far as to adapt to living with humans, and while there are 3,500 species of cockroaches, the German cockroach is the most widely distributed roach. From apartments to homes to restaurants, it is one pest you will find again and again, unfortunately.

Blatella Germanica

While the scientific name there may sound a bit scary, these look like typical cockroaches. They’re typically about a half inch in length, and they’re usually a light brown color. They do have wings that are completely developed, but they can’t fly. They usually have two dark lines running down their back, and because they want a warm, moist environment, you’ll usually find them in the bathroom or the kitchen. They like starches, as well as grease and meat products. In most spaces, trash is their food source. You’ll find them primarily active at night, but if you have a heavy infestation, you may find them even during the day.

Preventing an Infestation

There’s quite a bit you can do to keep German cockroaches from infesting your home. Remember that they’re primarily attracted to warmth, food, and water, so keeping that just out of their reach is essential. Cleanliness is a solid first step. You’ll want to not only sweep up any crumbs that may fall, but it’s also essential that you take your trash out on a regular basis. This is as true for the indoor trash can as it is for the outdoor one. Also, keep that outdoor trashcan away from your house. If it’s right next to the back door, it’s just possible you’re drawing a road map for them to enter your home. Don’t forget about the recycling in this cleanliness equation either. The soda left in that can or the juice left in the bottom of that jar is all going to attract roaches, so keep it well away from the home too.

Within your home, make certain all of your food is sealed. Your cereal should be in a plastic bin, not the box it came in. The same goes for other dry goods. Unless it’s sitting in the refrigerator or freezer, if it’s not inside thick plastic, it’s fair game.

In addition to keeping things clean, make sure you keep them dry as well. If you have any plumbing leaks, have them repaired immediately. Be sure you clean up the mess and repair the damage right away too. Leaking faucets mean a source of water for roaches. Finally, keep your home sealed as well as possible. Caulk any crevices or holes, and make certain you try to eliminate any other entry points.

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Article Source : Ransford Pest

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