The Mounting Whitefly Problem

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    Apr 07, 2014
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Photo by Moyan_Brenn

They look harmless, like just your run of the mill tiny white moth you can ignore, but if you have paid any attention at all to the news over the last few years, you know that these pests are so much more than that. They are whiteflies, and they are wreaking havoc on homeowners and gardeners alike across the state of Florida. With more than 1,500 species worldwide, 60 of which already call Florida home, this is one infestation you do not want in your yard.

Why Are They Such a Problem?

The whitefly feeds on plant fluids. It uses straw-like mouthparts to do so, which means it is possible to transmit all sorts of plant diseases from one spot to another. From less serious concerns to things like tomato leaf curl, one whitefly can cause some serious damage.

While the transmission of disease is perhaps the primary concern with these, a slightly dirtier worry is the fact that honeydew and a sooty mold can cover everything once the whiteflies have infested. Nothing is immune to this sticky mess. Park statues, car windows, even your child’s toys – all of them become targets as soon as the whiteflies arrive in your yard.

What You Can Do Now

It is important to note that not every whitefly infestation is the same. With 60 different kinds of this pest in Florida, and distribution of each type being quite varied, there are no blanket statements that can be made. Each type infests different trees and bushes, so almost every plant in your yard is at risk in some way or another. There are, though, several things that you can do immediately.

Start by carefully monitoring the plants in your yard on a routine basis. The earlier you detect a problem, the more treatable it is. If you notice plants in your neighborhood seem to be infested, keep a much closer eye on your own plants. If you start to find that sooty buildup on plants or anything in your yard, grab the pressure washer and do some cleaning. Soaps and oils can remove and reduce it, but you will have to be careful of the damage to the plants around you as you clean.

Finally, contact Slug-A-Bug immediately as soon as you know there is a problem. This is not a DIY issue. It is something we as Floridians have to tackle together. To learn more about our whitefly removal services, take a moment to give us a call. Pulling in the right Brevard County pest control team is an absolute must when it comes to the whitefly problem.

In the event that you cannot control the whiteflies or you are simple at wit’s end, contact a Brevard County pest control professional for additional help.

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Article Source: Slug-A-Bug

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