Broadcasting Schools Offer Different Options

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    Oct 10, 2013
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Broadcasting Schools Offer Different Options Photo by Jason White

At Centennial College, students of Broadcasting and Film not only earn an Ontario College Advanced Diploma but also get a chance to craft their career in the way they see fit. That’s because this program has three separate focuses: radio broadcast, TV broadcast or film.

While students get to partake in all courses, let’s take a look at how radio broadcast, TV broadcast and film are presented in the broadcasting school.

Radio Broadcast: Radio stations, including specialty stations, hire graduates of this program so being well rounded is essential. To meet this requirement, Radio Broadcast courses focus on hands-on experience in everything from being on-air to working behind the scenes. Courses such as Writing for Media (gives students the tools to understand the responsibilities of creating and organizing thoughts and feelings into ideas and concepts to produce writing for the spoken word) and Radio Production (provides students with general information on the structure and operation of radio stations, production companies and other related companies; also covers theoretical aspects of the basic radio field and control room/studio equipment) help students to become well versed in radio broadcast.

TV Broadcast: Assisting students in mastering the area of TV broadcast is HD broadcast studios with state-of-the-art equipment and systems. In this environment, students attend a range of courses such as Camerawork, Camerawork and Lighting, Editing, TV Studio, Sound to Picture Design, On-Air Promotions and more.

Film: Film is the final of this broadcasting school’s focuses. It also offers students a range of courses to ensure they know all aspects of the film industry. Among these specific film-focused courses are: Film Appreciation & Analysis, Documentary and Factual, Filmmaking, Screenwriting, and more.

Whether they have an interest in film, radio or TV all broadcasting schools students attend business courses such as Portfolio Production (having a portfolio after finishing a broadcasting school is essential as employers want to see what potential employees have achieved), Broadcast Career Management, Tools and Processes for Communicators, and Media Business and Entrepreneurship.

Additionally, whether their interest is in TV or radio broadcast or film, all students of this program partake in a 15-week work placement during which they work in the industry. During this time, students apply what they have learned in their courses to real life situations and gain new lessons from established broadcast production professionals. To qualify for placement, students participating in film producer training and television broadcast training must meet specific requirements.

Applicants interested in the film, TV or radio broadcast classes are required to possess at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or have mature student status (19 years of age or older). They must also have completed an English Grade 12 C or U or equivalent, or skills assessment. To demonstrate their interest in the fields of TV or radio broadcast or film, applicants must also submit either a portfolio that demonstrates their ability to tell a story (two examples of media work that they have authored such as video, audio, digital images and TV/film scripts) or a resume that includes media related experience plus two letters of recommendation.

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In her piece, Emma takes readers into the radio broadcast at Centennial College with details of courses and possible learning outcomes.

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