Find Great Catholic News Sites & Reconnect With Your Faith

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    Jan 02, 2014
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Find Great Catholic News Sites & Reconnect With Your Faith Photo by Hans-peter Rothlin

In this modern world, it is very easy to lose sight of the things that matter the most.  As we get bogged down by the daily routines of work and pressures of life, something has to give.  Unfortunately, it is often the critical aspects of what defines us as human, our faith in god.  This is why is it’s important to take some time out of our busy day-to-day schedules to reconnect with our faith, so we can nourish our inner being and be at one with god.

Fortunately, the Internet has enabled churches and different faiths to spread their message to their followers in the form of news articles.  There are some fantastic and inspirational catholic news sites to help people understand what is going on in different parts of the world.
There are some great catholic charities that help keep the faith alive, with news services, reports on the church wherever she is poor, persecuted or threatened.  It is largely unknown to the outside world, but Christians today suffer physical and verbal abuse, imprisonment and even murder.  By the beginning of this decade, Christianity was being described as the world’s most persecuted religion, yet despite the growing problems faced by many catholics and other Christian denominations, media coverage of their predicament remains scarce.

Find news stories that describe the situation in many countries where Christians are denied basic human rights.  This includes places like the Middle East where Pope Benedict XI has said that churches are “threatened in their very existence.”   These sites are able to call on a team of highly skilled and experienced journalists, as well as the expertise of project heads, who have a detailed knowledge of the catholic church in countries around the world. 
Using the information they are able to obtain from these contacts, the charity news sites regularly issues catholic news items.  The catholic news and feature stories on these pages provide detailed articles of the daily struggles of catholics and other Christian denominations determined to remain true to their faith.

Find out more about Christian persecution now and help make it easier for your fellow Christians to live under their faith.  Support these catholic charities and make a difference in the world by reconnecting with your faith and fellow Christians.

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