Make Your Global Market Solutions Fluent

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    Aug 22, 2013
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The Truth About Search Engine Optimization (Rebecca Lieb) - Blogging Bookshelf
The Truth About Search Engine Optimization (Rebecca Lieb) - Blogging Bookshelf
Photo by The Booklight

The world’s market boundaries are blurring, many new and under-developed markets are becoming available to companies through the increasing sophistication of technology. How do you spread a consistent message across multiple markets, ensure that intended instructions and messages connect with your desired audience, and effectively release products in unfamiliar markets? Localization completes the implementation of a company’s top-line international market strategy. But localization is a highly collaborative process driven by different groups of experts from around the world. How do you integrate these experts with a company’s product development team?

Furthermore, up to 50% of translation errors are terminology-related. A huge part of terminology work is also ensuring the consistency of terms used in the source content. The issues causing inconsistency are the same – multiple people working on content about the same feature without proper communication; or different views on the terminology because of how their department uses it. How do you bring your different departments together to find a single, agreeable term?

Imagine you have a new mechanical product in development for an oil rig, one that you need to launch not only nationally but also overseas. You need engineering diagram, technical specifics, and a marketing platform compiled and then translated. The marketing team is based in New York; the engineers are in San Francisco; the technical writers are in Houston; and your local operators are spread across the globe. You could have a weekly phone conference to decide what terminology to use, but you are on a deadline, and how many weeks will it take for every term to be reviewed?

What if you create a centralized – online discussion for each term where each department could give its approval or concerns or even add a new term within a time window? When that time is done a decision is made to use a specific term and sent to local translators with technical expertise along with a definition, pictures, and even videos. Then translation is sent to be reviewed by your local operators and sales representatives ensuring a translation that is both understandable and retains your company’s original ideas. Finally, it all comes back to you for final approval without you having to chase down colleagues to ensure they know what tasks they should be doing because you have access to a self-running workflow tool.

Although there are a number of tools on the market for storing terms and translations, it’s crucial the content is accessible from anywhere via the web. One such tool is TermWiki Pro where you can store all terms – both source and target in 100+ languages – in a centralized, online location. A self-running workflow tool supports your terms from source review to second translation review. Once finalized, they can be searched for online, or be exported for use in different authoring and translation tools. TermWiki Pro is also special in keeping logs of all changes and comments, no matter how minor. This ensures you can keep up to date on the changes, avoid mistakes, and also have a paper trail for regulatory purposes.

In the fast paced, ever shifting economies companies need an efficient, flexible, and accessible terminology management resource. With TermWiki Pro you are able to manage your product’s source documentation; first, before it is translated creating a smooth integration from one market to the next while retaining the essential concept.

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The author has an immense knowledge on TermWiki Pro. Know more about TermWiki Pro related info in his website

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