How To Use My Glossary To Build Your Own Journals

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    Sep 23, 2013
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The recent launch of My Glossary on has been generating a lot of buzz on the internet. Part of the reason is that it provides a new channel for creating and sharing content fast. For example, such content type as journal keeping. People write journals for a variety of reasons: to record things as they happen so they may revisit them at a future point in time, to share one's own stories and ideas with friends and fans online, or purely as a hobby. This is one of the many reasons blogs and tweets have become so popular. If you keep a journal, you know one of the most challenging requirements is the commitment of time creating and organizing content. This is where TermWiki can help.

My Glossary is a whole new way to create journals by simply coming up with a glossary of terms, and listing things you want to write about. For example, if you have just visited a city, compile a list of terms related to its content: people, geography etc. This may also apply to a movie you have watched or a book you have read; as each character, event, or scene can be listed as a term. Since each term acts as a small but independent unit of content, you don't have to create them in any particular order, meaning, you can always come back to your glossary and add or edit terms as you please.

A more exciting way to improve My Glossary is inviting others to contribute to your page, therefore further developing content. Since My Glossary is built on a wiki platform, collaboration support is already built into the system naturally. Having others help contribute terms to your glossary adds a new dimension to gaining knowledge. It allows others to fill gaps that you may have missed and/or offer additional viewpoints to things that happen around you. Overtime, the collaboration of glossaries may also serve as a part of your social network, allowing more ways to connect with your friends and those sharing your interests.

Using terms to build your My Glossary page makes it easier to organize your content by simply listing things that you can independently describe. Another benefit of organizing your glossary page this way is how you can always come back to it later to add things you may have missed.

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The author has an immense knowledge on My Glossary. Know more about TermWiki related info in his website

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