The Evolution Of A Full Service Ad Agency

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    Oct 01, 2013
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The Evolution Of A Full Service Ad Agency Photo by Joson  Rego

Let us first try and understand, what is a full service advertising agency all about? It is an agency that consists of various departments, which plan media, buy media, design the ad, write copy text, etc., under a single roof. Quite a few decades ago, the work of ad agencies was minimal, because there were not many brands and there were only few manufacturers, at that time. However, over the last few years, the need for advertising has increased as many new brands have emerged in the market. To differentiate their brands from others, marketers then sought the help of advertisers. These advertisers developed new and attractive ways to promote an existing brand to their target audience. This is how advertising evolved and the work of an ad agency grew. A Full service advertising agency now consists of multiple departments working together, which has become more of a necessity, in these current modern times of advertising.

There are four traditional ways of advertising - newspaper, magazine, radio and television. To keep up with the pace of the competitive markets, the art of advertising has also evolved in terms of media. Now, there are various new and emerging advertising mediums like billboards, online, covert, press ads, in-store advertising, etc. Full service advertising agencies have now grown in size. Various departments like social media advertising, outdoor advertising, transit, standees, etc. are designed and featured by various departments. A full service agency now thinks like a creative ad agency, to give the best output. They are now hiring experts in their respective fields, to give the best outcome to the brand owners.   

One of the major steps of evolution seen in many full service ad agencies, was adding a specialized social media department. Social media is the new trend of advertising. Smart individuals with quick and witty brains are in high demand. This department advertises brands online, and creates a buzz on social networking websites. Another trendy way of advertising undertaken by full service ad agencies, are designing billboards and hoardings. Delivering messages instantly, and creating awareness about the product within seconds, is a task that only an efficient advertising agency can successfully carry out. In-store advertising is another  popular style of advertising. It acts as a reminder to the customers, or pushes them for last minute shopping. Full service ad agencies hire skilled designers for this type of advertising, as the layout and design should be catchy and attractive to cross-sell to customers.

Brand advertising on trains, buses, taxis, etc. are in fashion. This contemporary medium of advertising is known as transit media. Full service ad agencies are coming up with innovative ways for transit media to serve the very best to its clientele, within the given budget. With the growing mediums, changing fashions and innovative styles of advertising, the evolution of these full service advertising agencies can be seen in day-to-day life. Every single day, a new and creative style of advertising is discovered, and added to the various departments of full service advertising agencies.



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