Regulations That An Ad Agency Must Follow, While Advertising

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    Dec 08, 2013
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Regulations That An Ad Agency Must Follow, While Advertising Photo by Joson  Rego

In the current economy, almost 90% of brands and companies work on the ‘Trust’ and ‘Popularity’ factors. The trust that consumers have for a brand and the popularity of a brand, defines the success of that brand. To achieve this, advertisers come up with new ideas everyday to connect with their respective consumers and stay unique in their ads. However, there are regulations that every ad agency must follow to maintain the positive reputation and loyalty of their consumers. There are various self-regulations formed by the Trade Associations and BBB (Better Businesses Bureau) to provide the customers with sincere content in the ads.

The Trade Associations have developed a self-regulatory program. This is restricted particularly to industries, whose advertisements may lead to controversies. Industries that produce alcoholic beverages, drugs and other products that lure young children, fall into this list. The use of surrogacy while advertising products like alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Scheduling ads of frivolous products for children in the hours that match famous cartoons, are not allowed. These ads would pressurize parents to buy products for their kids, that are not needed. Today, advertising is a crucial part for any business to flourish. Hence, a creative ad agency making ads for companies that generate such products, should take due care of the above rules.

The Better Business Bureau promotes fair advertising and selling practices all over the country. BBB started in the year 1961. Their job was to notice and take action against any complaints received from consumers, about incorrect local business practices. BBB have laid simple rules for any creative advertising agency, which are:

) To maintain high standards of truth in their advertisements;

2) To give accurate information to the consumers; and

3) To give social messages in national ads.

The advertisers have to strictly maintain these rules in their ads, to keep up the good image of their brand, and gain more loyalty added with popularity.

These days, it is very important for an advertising agency to follow all the guidelines that are set by the self-regulatory bodies, to maintain highest standards in advertising. Use of puffery while advertising a product, or giving information to consumers is strictly prohibited. For a successful business, it is very important to gain the loyalty and trust of your consumers. Trust is gained by transparency and honesty while advertising your product. Hence, it is advisable to all the ad agencies to follow all the guidelines, and create their ads accordingly.

Author's Profile

Jason Rego is an advertising expert. He has vast knowledge in the field of advertising and his blogs are very handy for the modern day creative advertising agency.

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