Opinionated Me: How to Watch a Scary Movie.

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    Oct 22, 2012
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Well, we're just a little over a week until Halloween and I thought I should have an opinion on how to watch a scary movie.  

Now since I was a young girl there have been a few people in my life who have introduced me to the finer genre of the horror flick, starting with my mother and ending with my best friend of the present.  In between them there have been a long line of others who filled in the missing years for me and I bet I've probably seen more scary movies than the average chicken.  Matter of fact, it was one of my friend's mother who introduced me to the gory world of the Living Dead movies complete with body parts being eaten and torn apart.  Having watched a day of these movies, it was no surprise to me that a week later when I watched "Texas Chain Saw Masacre" (The original), that it didn't bother me one little bit.  I didn't wake up sweating from your average nightmares after such a gruesome show, in fact I never thought about it again.

That in mind I have complied a list of tips I think any horror fan would agree too on how to watch a scary movie successfully.  After all, if you don't walk away from it with chills all over and that adrenaline rush of fright coursing through your veins what good did it do you to even check it out?  I mean why watch one at all if its not going to give you a thrill ride, right?  I thought as much! So here's how I think good, gory, knock down drag 'em out chatter your teeth thrillers should be checked out.

Number One:  When you hear the ominous music, you know someone's about to get hacked into microbits.

If you'll listen, before every scene where a gruesome murder is committed or somehting is about to happen where you'll jump, there's always what I call dread music.  It could be very suble, blend into the show or it could be tension building like the warning music in "Jaws".  Now I'm not saying concentrate on the entire flick's score but I am saying if you happen to pick it up, you'll notice that its pretty much a given.

Number Two:  Always watch the background when they show a character up close.

In most cases on a thriller when the camera is zoomed on to a particular person something's going on in the background.  If you're watching a ghost movie that's the time where you'll see one or more spooky spirits show themselves.  Now you won't always catch these things depending on the filmmaker and how subtle he or she wants the scarinees to be noticed but most of the time you'll see something if you really look.

Number Three:  Have something to grab!

Whether it's your sweetheart or a stuffed toy, make sure you've got something to clutch!  Nine times out of ten you'll find you don't even know you've got it.  This is an indication that the scary film is doing its job making you shake all over in fear!  If you sit there the entire time and don't feel the need to latch on to something for security then it's probably not working so well.  However that doesn't mean it's not a good movie, it's just not giving you the need to feel some kind of security and you can bet the hairs on your arm are not standing up.

Number Four:  Have fun!

If you're going to watch a scary movie, or any movie for that matter, you should always make sure you have the provisions.  A drink, a snack and darkness!  Sit back, relax and give the movie you're watching a shot even if the outside packaging didn't seem to impress you much.  Remember that its just entertainment and not something to be too disapointed over.  Good and bad movies can still make for a fun evening with the right attitude.  

Well there you go, a few pointers on how to enjoy a good spooky movie for Halloween.  Be safe and get your scare on!

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