Information About Teaching English in Asia

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    Dec 18, 2013
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Information About Teaching English in Asia Photo by Rhyan O'sullivan

If you have always been interested in the culture and customs of Asian countries, then consider becoming an English teacher in Asia. By taking a TEFL course in Bournemouth, you will be qualified to teach in countries like Cambodia, China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and many more. Asia possesses the largest market for English teachers in the world so you can almost count on getting a job in this area of the world if you are interested. The reason countries in Asia are so eager to have English teachers come to their schools is due to the vast economic growth this region of the world has experienced in the past few years.

Many of these countries in Asia are a top pick for newly minted English teachers to go to because of the beauty and cultural diversity of these countries. When you teach in an Asian country, you will be able to completely immerse yourself in the customs and way of life of the people.
Degree Requirements

Taking a TEFL course in Bournemouth, being 18 years or older, and having an interest in inspiring those you teach through language are the only requirements for becoming a teacher in Asia. If you want to explore the world and would rather not be stuck at a desk studying at a university or just want to take some time off from school, becoming an English teacher is a great route to go because you do not have to have a degree.

Hiring Seasons
In some countries around the world, the schools and organizations only hire during certain seasons or times during the year. However, this is not the case for Asian countries. Since the demand for English teachers is so high, you can take your TEFL course in Bournemouth and leave for your first teaching job soon after completion.

Contract Length and Pay
Being an English teacher is a well-paying career choice. Many schools in this area of the world will cover your living expenses, provide you with healthcare, paid holidays, and sometimes even offer their teachers a completion bonus at the end of their contract. In some countries, contracts last for an entire year while in others you can choose between a six month contract or one that lasts for 12 months.

When you teach in Asia, you will generally teach children in schools. However, depending on the position you accept, you may also have the opportunity to teach adults interested in learning English. Taking a TEFL course in Bournemouth will prepare you to be an effective teacher and help you thoroughly enjoy the time that you spend in Asia.

Author's Profile

Robin Smith is offering intensive TEFL course in Bournemouth is an accrediting body of TEFL/TESOL courses and course.

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