Questions You Might Ask About TEFL Courses
An excellent way to experience life in another country is to teach English abroad. Not only will you be able to become immersed in a new culture, you will be providing an invaluable service to the people you teach. If you have been considering this as a career option or even as a temporary job before moving on to a career, it is important that you sign up for the right TEFL course in Sheffield. Finding the right course may be as simple as asking the right questions.
How Much Time Will it Take?
Before taking any kind of course, you need to know how many hours it will take so that you can make room for it in your schedule. Most courses will require a minimum of 100 hours of instruction, and many are offered online. It is very important to only select a course that is fully accredited by a third-party accrediting body. In addition, more jobs are available to those with certifications that include some classroom hours in addition to online hours of study, so be sure to do your research.
How Much Experience Do Instructors Have?
When looking for a TEFL course in Sheffield, you want to find one that is offered by people that have actual experience teaching English to non-English speakers. You want to learn about methods of teaching that are tried and true rather than learning from self-taught tutors with little to no actual experience. The course should cover creating lesson plans as well as how-to instruction for such things as spelling and grammar. Opportunities to use your new-found skills, such as voluntary placement locally can help you decide if this work is really for you and can give you valuable teaching experience.
What About Job Placement
Some courses will get you through the information and certification process and then leave you on your own to research available jobs. However, the best TEFL course in Sheffield will offer assistance with job applications and placement. They often have job boards where current jobs are posted and will provide resources to help you fill out your applications properly so that you have the best chance of getting the jobs you are looking for. Many jobs are available in the UK as well as abroad, so you may want to consider a local job first to get your feet wet before going abroad.
Make sure that you check things out thoroughly before signing up for a TEFL course in Sheffield so that you are sure to have the best results. Once you are signed up, give it your all and become the best English teacher you can be.