Maintenance Tips For Linoleum and Vinyl Floors

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    Dec 11, 2013
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Maintenance Tips For Linoleum and Vinyl Floors Photo by Pol Bishop

A lot of people prefer vinyl and linoleum floors because they are easy to clean and maintain. At the same time, most of them visually look amazing. It might not be hard to clean them, but even still there are homeowners who are not quite sure how to keep their linoleum and vinyl floors in top shape. Well, here you will find a few useful tips on how to take good care of such types of flooring.

An essential part of every after tenancy cleaning is making the floors presentable once again. You must not only hoover around but also remove any stubborn stains, heel marks and so on. But how can you handle them? Let’s see…

#1. Regular Maintenance

You should begin with hoovering or sweeping all around. You can't skip this step because you have to get rid of any accumulated litter on the floor. Food crumbs, pet hair and dusty bunnies – all of it! This will guarantee you that your linoleum and vinyl floors will look great again. Step two – you take a mop and a bucket. Fill the bucket with warm water and add a detergent of your choice. In most cases, even dish-washing soap will do the job. Stir well. Make sure that you’ve covered all areas and rinse properly after that. Let your floors air dry and you are done with cleaning them.

#2. Dealing With Stains

You should inspect your floors for stains as well. If there are some, then it’s time to deal with them once and for all! Soapy water will do a great job against most food stains. However, if you have to deal with something more stubborn then ammonia is the proper cleaning solution. Spill some directly on the stain, let it sit for about 15 minutes and scrub with a brush. If it’s necessary, apply some more ammonia until you succeed in getting rid of the stain. In the end, mop again with water only to rinse the affected area.

#3. Carpet Cleaning

You might decide that a naked floor doesn't suit you after all and spread a beautiful carpet over it. Unfortunately, this adds another cleaning chore to your to-do-list. The carpet will accumulate most of the household dust, hair and litter. In order to keep that carpet clean, you'd have to vacuum clean it regularly – at least twice a week. Occasionally, you'll have to deep clean it as well. It would be best to contact a professional cleaning company and see if they offer hot water extraction for carpets. It is considered the best carpet cleaning method.

Of course, you could hire a professional cleaning company and ease your life. In the end, experienced cleaners could manage with any cleaning issue so if you want perfect results, you may take advantage of this option. If you don’t take care of your linoleum and vinyl floors regularly, cleaning them will become a lot more difficult.

Author's Profile

Pol is part of the professional carpet cleaning brand in - Aussie Carpet Clean Abbey Road located in London. He is expert in home improvement and design and he likes to write in his free time. You can always stay tuned to his latest work by following him on G+.

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