How to Start Collecting

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    Nov 13, 2012
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Collecting anything of significance takes patience, time, and a certain amount of organizational skills. It can be very rewarding not only to the collector, but also to those who observe the collection. The best part is that anyone can do it.

Choose an Interest
One of the hardest parts of starting the hobby of collecting is choosing what interest is to be focused on. It should be something that holds the interest of the collector, but it also feasible to collect. For instance, an antique car collection would not be feasible for someone who can barely pay the rent.

Create a Storage System
A collection is meant to be displayed, not scattered. Create an area or a series of containers to house the items. In some cases, this might mean folders and binders. In other cases, an entire building still might not be enough.

Develop a Cataloging System
No matter how the items are stored, they should also be documented. The way that they are documented will depend on the reason for the collection. Cataloging in alphabetical order might seem reasonable until the collector decides to look the item up by the date it was collected or created. In some cases, more than one system may be necessary.

Network with Other Collectors
Those who have collections tend to enjoy learning more about the items, sharing what they know with others, or simply speaking to like-minded people. A local search might offer limited results, or might surprise collectors with an overabundance of like-minded people. An online search is likely to turn up items offered for sale or trade, but may also result in forums, clubs, and other venues for networking with other collectors.

Collecting is not for everyone. It takes a certain amount of dedication to create a collection worthy of bragging rights. On the other hand, it can be done by anyone. The level of quality and quantity is completely up to the collector.

Author's Profile

Rick Samson loves working out and playing sports. He currently writes articles on Interesting Articles.

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