How to Recruit Employees who will be an Asset to the Organization

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    Nov 05, 2012
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Recruiting the right employees is the only way to ensure that the work is done effectively thus reducing the burden of management. However many employers have little knowledge on how to recruit employees and thus they end up hiring persons who are not qualified for the job. This has a bad effect on the operations and the company will incur more cost when they decide to replace these employees. Therefore the person or team that is responsible for recruitment should ensure that the process is done effectively so as to save the company avoidable expenses.

The process is simple and anyone can learn how to recruit employees without having to undergo complex training. The first step in recruitment is to come up with a description of the vacancy that needs to be filled. This includes the role, academic qualification, experience if necessary and any other skills required. Once all the details have been defined, the next step is to put up an advertisement so that job seekers can send their application. 
After receipt of applications, they should be then be reviewed and then the best candidates selected. The selection should be based on the vacancy description and those who meet all the requirements should be given a priority.
The selected candidates should then be contacted on mail or phone and invited for the interviews. Interview questions should be constructed prior to the interview day and should include both professional matters and general knowledge. The conduct of the applicants should be closely observed during the interview and this should be taken in to consideration when deciding who to hire.
At the end of the interviews, the person or the team involved should be able to make a choice on who to hire. If no one is good enough for the job at the end of the day, the company can go ahead and post another advertisement. All the steps on how to recruit employees should be followed if the company wants to get the right individuals.

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Rick Samson loves working out and playing sports. He currently writes articles on Interesting Articles.

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