All About The New Windows 8 Operating System

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    Nov 22, 2012
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Windows 8 operating system is the most current amid the releases for Windows operating systems and is created by Microsoft for personal use on computers. These computers do range from desktops to laptops to tablets to home theater PCS. The development for Windows 8 began back in 2009, which was even before the release date for Windows 7 officially. The announcement for the new Windows 8 operating system was the first heard about at the International CES back in 2011. The CES is a leading technology related trade show and is held every January at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. This trade show is something that is not open to the public and does introduce any new products and host announcements for new products not yet released but will be available on the market soon.

Windows 8 operating System has a lot of visible changes to the Windows operating platform, and some of these changes are aimed directly at the user experience especially. The user experience is more geared towards those people who use mobile devices and this especially applies to users of tablets. This new user experience on Windows 8 will rival other mobile operating systems that are offered by Android and iOS. Windows 8 operating system actually does take advantage of new technologies that are just beginning to emerge in the world and these USB 3.0, UEFI, cloud computing, near field communications, and ARM design that is of low-power description.

The Windows 8 operating system also features a bunch of new security pluses and these pluses do include the following. Some of these brand new security features with this new operating system are malware filtering, anti virus software that is built into the system itself, and complete support for a secure boot. Secure boot is an excellent feature that is not only controversial, but it is UEFI and does require operating systems to be digitally signed. This method is required in order to avoid malware entering the booting process. It also is linked to other changes in this brand new operating system and improvements in overall performance of the system.

Another thing which Windows 8 operating system does highlight is a new structure, as well as user interface. Both this new construction and interface are derived directly from Microsoft’s pattern language called “Metro,” and there is a whole new start screen, which does have a network of tiles that do update and represent numerous applications. There is also an entirely new platform app, and it is geared towards touch screen input. There is also a new Windows Store to obtain applications that may be needed for Windows 8. The new platform app also possesses the ability to synchronize various settings and programs in between various devices. Windows 8 operating system was released for manufacturing on August 1, 2012 and made available to the general buying market on October 26, 2012.

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Rick Samson loves working out and playing sports. He currently writes articles on Interesting Articles.

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