The Popular Cheap Windows VPS Server Hosting Provides Customer Friendly Solution

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    Dec 10, 2012
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In VPS (virtual private server) hosting, you have multiple virtual servers on a single physical server. Although these virtual servers share the same physical server, they do not interact with each other and instead act independently like dedicated servers or private servers. Each virtual server has its own operating system, disc space and bandwidth. The VPS web hosting gives you a cost effective, flexible and reliable option with full access to the root server where your information and data is absolutely secure and you enjoy a level of isolation or independence. The other websites on a same server are not affected with a troubled neighboring website. The main advantage being it is cheaper than the dedicated hosting to get all its features and resources at a much lower cost.

Among the two kinds off virtual server hosting such as the windows and Linux VPS hosting, the first one uses the popular window operating system. Hence it is more customer friendly with the GUI (graphical user interface) features than the second one that uses the text based commands. Also the compatibility of the VPS hosting cheap windows with various applications and software is another advantage that is not found in the Linux based server. The highly functional scripting languages like ASP, ASP.Net and PHP that deliver superb performances are very compatible with this hosting solution.

In managed cheap windows VPS server hosting, the hosting provider takes care of the regular updating and maintenance of the server at no extra costs. If any user desires a shift or upgrading from a shared or dedicated server to the windows VPS server, then the transition becomes an easy task without any fear of data loss with this managed hosting service. This cheapest VPS server hosting is much secured and there is no need to be worried over the confidentiality of data or information as the webmasters are allowed with coded websites to easily upload, use the written applications and store the information quickly and efficiently. The electric power consumption of the window based virtual server compared to other hosting server is less making it environment friendly.

If you need a hosting solution to customize your applications on a regular basis, then this cheap virtual server hosting is the right choice for you. This hosting is a suitable if you plan to build a social networking site or blog site that requires some specific features. The small and medium scale enterprises find it handy due to its affordable price and scalability as you can host unlimited websites under the same account in a virtual server and scale up or down the resources according to your needs. In a virtual server you get your own dedicated IP and resources according to your choice. This makes your virtual server more efficient. The RAM, disk space and memory on the virtual server is only for you. Hence you can use these resources as per needs. Also, you can choose operating system of your choice and use the server the way you like.

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About Author cheap vps hosting,a world-class web hosting provider, has been offering the cheap windows VPS hosting solutions that perfectly match the clients' requirements for VPS hosting, data storage, E-commerce.

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