The Advantages Of The Dedicated Server Hosting In India

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    Aug 18, 2014
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The Advantages Of The Dedicated Server Hosting In India Photo by Reagan Fernandes

Though, dedicated server hosting in India is can prove to be extremely beneficial for your business, you need to consider it in the context of value of shared and dedicated server hosting for your website.  Several web hosting services in India offer shared and dedicated hosting. Therefore, you must assess the merits of dedicated servers visa vie the shared servers before making the selection.


Though shared server hosting advertisements suggest minimal down time, it will be unpredictable as you do have to consider the traffic on neighbouring websites.  Therefore, most businesses consider dedicated server to avoid the downtime on their shared server hosting. So, there are dedicated hosting services that offer 90% uptime;but it implies 10% downtime too.  If you are considering dedicated server hosting in India, you should look for the dedicated server with 99.9% or 100% uptime SLA (Service level agreement). This has always been the primary criterion for the selection of the dedicated servers, because the rest of the server specifications are of no use to your business if your website is not available to the customers. 

Quality partners:

Since you plan to rent out the dedicated server from company, you must verify the quality of the hardware and software available as the speed and performance will depend on it. The quality server and hardware partners allow you to avail optimal performance. So, you must look for the web hosting providers in India who offer Linux and Windows dedicated server hosting. You must also ensure that they have quality hardware providers such as HP, IBM, DELL or Intel, etc. 


You need the data centers in applicable geographic location for your dedicated servers. These data center will have useful features that enhance and maintain the performance of your websites. You can use the data center features such as:

• Network Redundancy: You can employ alternate paths on the dedicated server hosting to achieve minimal down time and consistent availability.

• Electricity Redundancy: With 3 levels of redundancy, your website will remain operational in spite of the power outage.

• Technical support: 24X7 technical support where you have a team of experts available for your assistance throughout.

• Space and bandwidth: With dedicated server hosting in India, you can use the available space and bandwidth to its fullest capacity. This is ideal for the businesses under expansion or gunning for one. 

• Security: As you do not have to share the web hosting with other web sites, you have the secure space. You won’t worry about the security issues due to other websites. 

• Storage

• Back ups

So, if your online business is thriving with additional traffic, then, dedicated servers in India offer optimal solution.

Author's Profile

Reagan is a Marketing Executive& IT writer at Web werks Pvt. Ltd. He is passionate in changing the way consumer feel about and connect with brands. He has explored much over dedicated server hosting Services in India & adjacent services. He is extremely passionate about reading books & Football.

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