3 Keys to Designing a Mobile Website for E-Commerce

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    Sep 04, 2013
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3 Keys to Designing a Mobile Website for E-Commerce Photo by By Dale

As more and more people acquire smartphones, businesses have to make sure that their websites are optimised for mobile if they want to remain competitive.
Mobile pages must be easy to navigate, and they must make shopping straightforward and simple. Follow these three tips to enhance your business website's mobile presentation:
1.Keep the desktop content, but make it easy to navigate for customers who are using a small touchscreen. Instead of having a homepage crammed full of visuals and promotions, present your homepage as a simple menu. Try to keep all of the options above the fold, and make sure that customers don't have to tap more than three times to navigate to the product or service that they want. Also, make your input fields and navigation buttons large enough for customers to easily tap on a touchscreen.
1.Know your audience. Android is by far the most popular mobile platform, and Apple's iOS is second. However, your mix of customers may have a surprising preference for a different device, like the Windows Phone. Do some research so that you can design your site based on the devices that your customers use. Then, roll your website out and ask customers to test the site and to provide their feedback. Make changes according to what customers tell you about your mobile experience.
1.Make it quick. Jumio found that 66 percent of customers leave a website on a mobile device when that site isn't loading quickly enough. If you are using Flash animations on your site, then your animations won't display on an iPhone or iPad at all. On other devices, they're going to slow down your site's loading speed. Therefore, ditch the slow-loading animations and any other bells and whistles that are slowing down your mobile load times. If you don't, then your customers will most likely head for a competitor's website.
If your company hasn't gone mobile, then you are losing customers every day. However, a badly designed website will not be much better for business. Your company provides products or services that make your customers' lives easier. If you want customers to keep coming back, then make sure that your mobile website does the same.

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 If you don't have a mobile website, then you're losing over half of your mobile customers. In fact, researchers from Vizibility found that 61 percent of mobile customers navigate away from websites that are not mobile-friendly. Also, 57 percent of mobile customers will not recommend a company that offers a poor mobile experience. 

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