How Custom Website Design Makes Your Website More Competitive

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    Jun 27, 2013
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Banner web design
Banner web design
Photo by Maiconfz

Consider these benefits that you can get from having a custom site:

1.Graphic artistry. Your website is crucial to creating your brand. The right graphic elements, including colours and logos, can showcase your professionalism and communicate your brand message. The persona communicated by your website does a lot to attract customers. Choosing custom design instead of a template means that your website has a better chance of communicating that persona.

2.Easy navigation. A website from a template may have navigation buttons, but a customised design can be personalised for the way your customers use the site. Additionally, a custom-designed website will have well-designed conversion pathways. For example, if one of your goals is to gather e-mail addresses for your e-mail marketing campaign, then your designer can lay out the pages so that they entice customers to enter the information.

3.Flexibility. If the design of your website isn't working, or if you aren't getting good search results, then your designer can easily make adjustments. As your business grows, your designer can add both new pages and content. You won't have to download a new template and start from scratch when your website requires changes.

4.High-quality content. You may know your industry well, but that doesn't mean that you're able to sell it in writing. Working with a design company gives you access to professionals who write persuasive marketing copy. Instead of writing your own text and hoping for the best, you can work with professionals who use proven techniques to demonstrate your business and its value to customers.

5.Search engine optimisation (SEO). If you want your website to get on the first page of the search results, then you should rely on techniques from the professionals. For instance, you may be able to do your own keyword research, but you may not know how to use HTML to write title tags and other crucial SEO elements. A good designer will understand how to deliver content, tagging and other custom website design components that help with SEO.

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Custom website design professionals have a principle called the "8-Second Rule." This rule says that visitors to your website will decide whether to stay on your site or navigate away within the first eight seconds of arrival. In other words, a poorly designed website could mean that your business is losing customers. Therefore, investing in a customised design can help your business to generate more revenue in the long term.

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