The Impact Video Sharing Has on Society

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    Aug 29, 2013
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Photo by Sean MacEntee

In the last decades, posting on various websites has become a very popular activity among teenagers. Members of the pop culture and of the society started giving it a lot of credit. Therefore, the level it has reached is very high. For example, a teenager can be isolated from real social groups as a result of his inactivity on YouTube.

This phenomenon was amplified by entertainers and vloggers, whose careers depended on how many unique views their videos had. The virtual existence has become a must have, mirroring the real one.

In today’s society, media has turned its focus from television to internet. That is why all that is online is much more reachable. Everything is easier and faster. The development of technology has led to the creation of more and more modern websites, which are free and user friendly. One of them is the already mentioned YouTube. Having as motto Broadcasting yourself, it has become the largest video community online.

The YouTube community has expanded so much, that it has created local stars or very popular video uploaders, called vloggers. Never losing its role in the media, it has helped promoting various artists, as well as unknown talents, who had the courage to make a video of themselves and post it online.

There are other video uploading sites such as Vimeo and Vine, but they cannot reach or overcome YouTube’s popularity. There is a variety of videos, which fit the desires of everybody: all types of music, videos of animals or of other people doing useful things. Anything you can think of is on YouTube, at a few clicks away.

The impact it has is beneficial for the society. Users started helping others, indirectly, by posting how-to videos or by providing a detailed explanation of a certain thing. Of course, there are discrepancies in the users’ ways of thinking, but the video community does its best to keep everybody satisfied.

Video sharing is useful because people find easier to reproduce something they have previously seen. This comes in handy for the ones who encounter difficulties in following instructions or who want to build something by themselves for the first time. Visual images are more likely to be kept in mind. Also, knowing that out there is somebody who has experienced the same problem is very important. Empathy is not so frequent nowadays, that’s why when it’s found, even though it may be indirectly, it has a great impact on the mind.

For entertainment purposes, YouTube has reached an audience that didn’t not exist until the most recent years. The number of this audience is increasing, ensuring an almost certain target, on which nobody could rely so far.

Posting online videos is really helpful. It’s much easier to reproduce a visual image than a written text. It also brings users closer to one another. This shows that the connections are far beyond simple virtual friendships. The power of the online services should never be underestimated. It’s becoming more and more clear that one day, our real existence will fade away.

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