Dont Buy Skin Care Products Before Reading This

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    Feb 12, 2014
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Dont Buy Skin Care Products Before Reading This Photo by Anderson Kane

Pick out any skin care product from the shelf of beauty store and all it will promise is a fairer and younger looking skin. Obsession with fair skin is so strong that it is fuelling a million dollar industry in some Asian countries. People in the UK might not be running behind skin care products that offer lightening benefits, but demand for products that lighten dark spots and scars is there. You will easily find several creams and lotions that claim to lighten the skin spots to reveal your glowing complexion.

But, you might not know that these products contain ingredients that are really harmful for your skin. According to Indy Rihal of the British Skin Foundation, most of the skin-lightening creams contain illegal compounds that can cause skin damage. One of the most common ingredients these cream use is hydroquinone. It is bleaching agent that banned in many countries. This aromatic organic compound is combined with alpha hydroxy acids to speed up the lightening process. Although the compound is quite effective, is comes with risk of severe side-effects.

Other bleaching agents like mercury, arbutin, Kojic acid and Azelaic acid are also used in creams that promise to give you a fairer glow in few days. All these chemicals can cause allergies that leave permanent scars and marks on your skin. Exposure to these creams for an extended period of time can lead to discoloration of the skin, skin cancer and internal organ diseases. Most of the skin lightening creams makes your skin extra sensitive to sun rays. As melanin production is inhibited by the chemicals in these creams, skin’s natural protection barrier is lost. This makes it susceptible to damage caused by UV rays.

Prolonged use of creams with bleaching ingredients can make your skin prone to redness, inflammation and blemishes. Photo damage caused due to sun rays can lead to premature ageing. Then there is always a risk of allergic reaction from harsh chemicals and bleaching agents, such as hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide. Skin reaction can cause discoloration of the skin, severe burning, swelling, and itching. So, when you go out for shopping for skin care products read the label carefully and avoid products that contain one or all of the following ingredients:

  • Hydroquinone
  • Mercury
  • Arbutin
  • Kojic acid
  • Azelaic acid
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Parabens
  • Sulphates

To avoid the risk of allergic reaction and skin damage, consider using natural products. There are several beauty products that are chemical-free and are formulated using natural and herbal ingredients only. If you are looking for creams that lighten your skin, you can consider using Makari Caviar Face Lightening Cream. It is a silky, pleasantly scented cream that visibly reduces spots and dullness. Caviar extracts in the cream improves moisture balance, smoothing skin texture to create a luminous complexion. It is a natural product and hence, causes no side-effects. This cream not only gives you a long-lasting moisturised skin, but also improves cell growth and limit sebum secretion.

Like other creams, you can easily apply it on the dark area of skin directly. Before using the cream, make sure that you clean and tone your face and neck.  During day time, don’t forget to use a sunscreen of at least 15 SPF to protect skin from sun damage can darken the skin you are trying to lighten. For optimal results, use the cream twice a day.

Author's Profile

Anderson Kane is a beauty blogger, who has used numerous skin care products in her 25 years of age. She regularly reviews products for skin care websites like Her blunt and straight to the point information about the product has get her a huge fan following. She was recently impressed by Makari Caviar Face Lightening Cream.

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