Gopi Manchurian With Indian Flare

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    Sep 03, 2012
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My hobby is cooking variety of dishes and serving to people who love to eat.There are lots of chinese dishes available all over the world. But we always go to restaurants for buying it, neither we try nor we cook. As you all know Gopi Manchurian is one of the tastiest dish among chinese dishes. Always giving a try is usually an interesting thing. From my side i tried to give this dish an Indian taste. It gave me an immense joy that it came very tasty beyond my expectations. I want to share this dish for others who love experiments in cooking.

Ingredients :
Cauli flower - 1
Onion - 2 medium
Capsicum - 2 small
Ginger & Garlic Paste - 2 tea spoon
Soya sauce - 1 tea spoon
Tomato sauce - 1 table spoon
Green chillies - 4 nos
Tumeric Powder - half tea spoon
Garam Masala - 3 tea spoon
Refined oil - to fry

For the batter :
Maida - 4 table spoon
Corn Flour - 1 table spoon
Red Chilli Powder -2 tea spoon
Garam Masala - 2 tea spoon
Salt to taste

Method :

Clean the cauli flower and cut it into small pieces. Heat some water and half boil the cauli flowers chopped. For the batter take maida, corn flour, red chilli powder, garam masala and salt to taste. Mix the batter well and add the half cooked cauli flower into the batter and deep fry.

Take a pan, put some oil and add ginger garlic paste, chopped onion, chopped capsicum and green chillies and some salt to taste. Stir for 5 to 10 minutes. Then add the fried cauli flower into this. Also add tomato sauce,soya sauce and garam masala.Stir for another 5 minutes. Tasty south indian style gopi manchurian is ready to serve.This can be served for 3 persons.

This dish goes with roti, paratas, pulav, bread, naan etc.

Enjoy Cooking Enjoy Eating Enjoy Life :) :) :) :)

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Deepa V enjoys writing articles for View the Deepa V Author Profile

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