All about Rhinoplasty

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    Feb 20, 2014
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Photo by Lies Thru a Lens 

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of facial plastic surgery and is an important part in cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty is a surgical method for altering the size and shape of the nose in order to achieve improvement in its function and appearance.


Rhinoplasty can be done only on a fully developed nose. Usually it is performed for females with 15 to 16 years of age and 17 to 18 years for males.

The surgery can be helpful to make the following alterations in the nose like

- Increase or decrease the nose’s size
- Modification of shape
- Changing the shape of the nose tip or bridge
- Narrowing the span of the nostrils
- Altering the angle between nose and upper lip

The surgery also covers corrective features of nose due to birth defects, and accidental injuries.

Apart from cosmetic concerns, rhinoplasty in Manhattan is performed for correcting a deviated septum which leads to breathing problems, post-nasal drip and chronic stuffiness.

Selecting the right Surgeon:

Rhinoplasty is not an easy surgery to perform. Therefore the surgeon requires a lot of skill and experience. Have a look at these points while selecting a good surgeon

- Make sure that the surgeon is certified as per the board requirement
- It is important to consider the experience of the surgeon as only an experienced hand will be able to perform this surgery perfectly
- It is good to analyze the surgeon’s track record by contacting their previous patients and getting their feedback

Surgery Methods

Typically rhinoplasty in nose is carried out using two techniques namely: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. In closed rhinoplasty incisions are made inside the nostrils whereas in open rhinoplasty the incisions made are external.


The operation is done with general anesthesia and takes up to 90 minutes. It gives very little pain to the patient associated with the recovery. A nasal splint will be placed on the nose post-surgery which will be removed in 5 to 6 days.

Tips for a speedy recovery

- Keep the splints on your nose in dry condition
- Don’t try to remove crusts in your nostrils till the splints are removed
- Don’t blow your nose for few days after the surgery
- Stay away from dust and smoke
- Never involve in smoking or drinking alcohol
- Do not try to block your sneeze
- Always try to keep your head up while lying down

With lot of improvements in surgical features the success rate of rhinoplasty has shown good improvement. It is advisable for people to select the right surgeon and face the surgery with confidence.

The author has an immense knowledge on rhinoplasty in Manhattan. Know more about Plastic Surgeon Manhattan, Cosmetic Surgeon Manhattan related info in his website

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The author has an immense knowledge on rhinoplasty in Manhattan. Know more about Plastic Surgeon Manhattan, Cosmetic Surgeon Manhattan related info in his website.

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