How to Get Live TV on Your Laptop

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    Nov 10, 2012
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With the rapid advancement of the internet and the satellite network, watching tv on your laptop or your PC has become a very simple issue. There is a lot of free and paid software available over the internet that claim to help you watch live TV on your laptop. Paid-to-download Satellite TV software is perhaps the most beneficial and the most popular among the free brands.

These softwares also offer many different packages as well that surely makes the experience of watching TV online a pleasant one.

The Satellite TV packages:

There are many standard packages that include different terms and facilities for the customers so that they can watch tv online on their laptops. Any good package includes a membership for a lifetime apart from free upgrades to the ongoing softwares, channel up gradation, technical support and some added bonuses.

Guarantee for the return of money also called money back guarantee is also provided on the purchase of the product that might span for a period of 30 to 60 days.

The pros and cons of Satellite TV software:

Pros: The paid-to-download TV software is a long way ahead of the free brands in the business and is relied by many for watching online TV. Through this application you can watch live television on your laptop whether you have a Windows based operating system or Mac computer.

The packages offered with this software vary in wide ranges depending on the options you go for. Some of these packages include monthly subscription offer, one time offer, offer with a 40% of discount and many others. They provide trial demo of their service for the new subscribers and options for adding extra channels to their package for some additional price.

Cons: Even though the paid service (one-time fee only) is considered the best option that can help you watch TV on your laptop, there are certain negative points that are also associated with their services. Firstly, some channels may have blurry picture quality (but viewable) on rare occassions which however is common to all similar services. Secondly, the user may experience 'chopping' video at times.

The working of these softwares:

It has already been stated that the satellite softwares allow you to watch live TV on your laptop as well as your desktop. They do so by connecting your desktop or your laptop with a broadband or wireless connection.

There is no need for any kind of external device or agent for providing the service. What this means is that there is no need for any extra wire or any extra device that needs to be carried along with your laptop.

Other means of watching TV live on your laptop:

There is however another way by means of which you can watch TV on your laptop. This way includes the method of connecting an external hardware to your laptop or desktop also known as a PCTV USB device.

The PCTV device is available at almost all of the major hardware stores for the PCs and costs nearly around a few hundred dollars. These devices on being plugged to your laptops and desktops enable them to stream television channels live for you on your laptops.

Comparison between the software and the hardware methods:

If we go on to compare the use of PCTV device and the satellite TV software for the live streaming of television channels on your laptop or desktop, the software method has some distinct advantages.

The first and foremost factor is that it does not require any external hardware to be connected with your PC or laptop. Secondly the fact that the software method works absolutely fine with the wireless internet adds another distinct advantage in favor of the software method.

This is because of the fact that with the software method you can watch television on your laptop screen freely at any place and anywhere in the world where there is WIFI connection. This is by no means possible in case of the PCTV hardware method. Finally, the software method can stream as many as 3000 channels, if not more, all over the world while the count gets stuck to only a few hundred for the PCTV method.

Author's Profile

Philip Sumpter is an experienced user and tester of PC Satellite TV software. If you would like to visit his site and review top TV software services and packages, go to Digital TV on PC or SatelliteDirect

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