What to Expect with TEFL Certification

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    Dec 14, 2013
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What to Expect with TEFL Certification Photo by Rhyan O'sullivan

There are a good deal of programs which specialize in the training of individuals who wish to teach English as a foreign language. In this educational industry the courses are often referred to as TEFL programs. These institutions can provide those who feel the urge to travel abroad the opportunity to turn their dreams of international experiences into a reality—and make a living doing it too. These courses operate in a variety of different ways which may cater to the needs of different people and situations. That being said, it is important that when selecting the program that you will be attending in order to receive your TEFL certification, you make sure that the institution is accredited and has all the appropriate qualifications in order to optimize your chances of a successful teaching experience. Going abroad in order to receive your certification may be a good option if you want to improve your standing in the eyes of prospective employers. Going with a TEFL course Glasgow, Scotland has to offer—for example—could show schools that you are already comfortable with the idea of extended travel.

Internet Training vs Face-to-Face Instruction

While attending a TEFL course that is based entirely online may be an efficient and easy option for many teachers-to-be, it isn't exactly what potential employers want to see in their candidates. However, many classroom-based courses may be too expensive for some or conflict with other interests. Luckily, there are options for those who would like to utilize the convenience of online training while still receiving certification that carries some weight.

Most schools and private institutions which hire TEFL instructors require at least 120 hours of training. There are several courses which conduct the majority of training online, but which also include a portion of person-to-person interaction. For example, one might attend a program which gives 100 hours of training over the internet, followed by a TEFL course Glasgow, Scotland plays host to, which would be around 20 hours total.

Traveling for Certification

A TEFL course Glasgow, New York, or Paris might offer could be just what some individuals are looking for. Easing yourself into the international scene by attending classes abroad can make a large difference in the way you adjust to your travel experience. Obtaining the qualifications necessary to teach English internationally while remaining at home might cause some to encounter a good amount of culture shock when they finally set out to teach in other countries. Avoiding this by going abroad in order to receive your certification can reflect well on a resume as well as create a more enriching experience for you.

Author's Profile

Robin Smith is offering intensive TEFL course Glasgow is an accrediting body of TEFL/TESOL courses and course.

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