The Benefits of Being TEFL Certified

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    Dec 11, 2013
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The Benefits of Being TEFL Certified Photo by Rhyan O'sullivan

Many individuals overlook the importance of receiving their TEFL certification before they start applying to English teaching jobs in countries across the world. While some places are willing to hire without certification, there are many advantages that come from taking a TEFL course in Sheffield beforehand. Before you start applying for jobs without a TEFL certificate, take a look at some of these advantages and consider whether or not taking a TEFL course is the right move for you to make.

Higher Pay

Countries that hire English teachers usually want those that they hire to be the best of the best. Because of this, many schools and other institutions that hire teachers are willing to pay their teachers more if they are TEFL certified. This is because this certificate gives employers peace of mind knowing that you are adequately prepared to teach in their country. Although taking a TEFL course in Sheffield in order to become a teacher and change the lives of those you instruct is a great incentive, being paid well for what you do is always nice. Some countries, like those in the Middle East, pay their teachers particularly well if they have a TEFL certificate on top of teaching experience.

Better Access to Jobs

While there are jobs out there that don’t require a TEFL certificate contingent on employment, you may be hard pressed to find a job that you want to take if you don’t have your certificate. Oftentimes, the institution where you got your certificate from will help you in the job seeking process, an advantage that many past TEFL certificate recipients stated made all the difference in their overall experience. Since you have a wide-range of jobs available to you after taking a TEFL course in Sheffield, you may be able to find a job that you will immensely enjoy rather than settling for one with lower pay in an undesirable location.

A Greater Ability to Teach

Teaching in a foreign country can be overwhelming, especially if you are unfamiliar with the language of your pupils and their customs. While getting to know a new culture is one of the rewards of teaching abroad, having a firm grasp on your ability to teach will make a huge difference in how you view your time in that country. When you take a TEFL course in Sheffield, the class will cover elements of English grammar, teaching techniques, and lesson planning strategies. If you haven’t thought about taking a TEFL course before, consider it a necessary step that will enhance your experience as an English teacher.

Author's Profile

Robin Smith is offering intensive TEFL course in Sheffield is an accrediting body of TEFL/TESOL courses and course.

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