The Advantages of Teaching English in Eastern Europe

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    Dec 12, 2013
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The Advantages of Teaching English in Eastern Europe Photo by Rhyan O'sullivan

Eastern Europe is an exciting place to visit as a tourist. After the fall of the Eastern Bloc, many wonderful cultural treasures are open to Western visitors for the first time in years. The former Soviet republics are full of beautiful scenery and unique cultural goods. Many Western tourists are discovering these regions for the first time. Have you thought about visiting them yourself? You can immerse yourself in the beauty of Eastern Europe with job training from a TEFL course Manchester.

With the end of Communism, the situation in Eastern Europe changed almost overnight. In the twentieth century, Russian was the language of choice in most of the region. The government used Russian as an official form of communication. English was frowned upon as a dangerous foreign influence. When freedom came to the Eastern Bloc countries, English very quickly became a crucially important language for business and education. Many of these countries are now prosperous and stable democracies where English is the language of business. Local people want to become fluent in English to keep themselves at the leading edge of the booming Eastern European economy. Your TEFL course Manchester can show you ways to teach English effectively in this dynamic new situation.

New graduates of a TEFL course Manchester have especially good prospects in Eastern Europe. It can be difficult to teach English as a foreign language in some parts of Western Europe because of growing competition and increasingly strict visa laws. Eastern Europe still has almost unlimited prospects for the person seeking to build a career as a teacher of English. Universities are very interested in hiring people who are native English speakers and are able to teach with a TEFL certification. Teachers are often able to find a good job in these areas with very little difficulty.

The cultural delights of Eastern Europe are a great attraction for people who would like to complete a TEFL course Manchester and start teaching there. The midnight sun of Russia has become a legend, celebrated in stories and songs and a thousand amateur photographs. Walking through Red Square in the snow is an unforgettable experience. Prague is especially famous among travelers for its glorious castles and cathedrals, its historic Jewish Quarter, and its renowned beer halls. The former Soviet republics of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are largely undiscovered treasures for the Western adventurer. All of these places offer unique and glorious adventures for anyone who wants to seek certification from a TEFL course Manchester. Since the fall of the Communist empire, the possibilities for English teaching in Eastern Europe are almost endless.

Author's Profile

Robin Smith is offering intensive TEFL course Manchester is an accrediting body of TEFL/TESOL courses and course.

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