The Intriguing World Of Rubber Wires And Cables

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    Jul 31, 2013
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The Intriguing World Of Rubber Wires And Cables Photo by Ashish  Poly

We take quite a few things for granted; and rubber wires and cables feature at the top of that list, when we speak in relation to the electrical cables industry. Their importance is felt only when they are missing. Rubber cables are used extensively in day to day applications. We would find it very difficult to operate machines without them. Rubber cables are used on a large scale in making kitchen appliances, television sets, in wall wiring, etc. They are also used for outdoor applications.

Due to its salient features, rubber cables can be used in various environments. They are suitable to cater to a wide variety of applications. The most impressive feature of rubber is that, it is resistant to natural materials and chemicals. Wires and cables made out of rubber can resist various types of acids, chemicals, oils and other elements. When an electrical cable is equipped with rubber, it can withstand the test of time very easily. Rubber cables are extremely flexible. They can be used to connect machines and equipments stored in adverse conditions. They are very durable as well. The fact that a faulty part of the wire can be replaced easily, adds to the durability of the entire cable. It is extremely lucrative from the maintenance point of view, as rubber cables can be cleaned, stored and replaced without any hassles.

According to cable manufacturers in India, the most startling feature of rubber is its ability to be used as an insulator. That is the reason why it is used for electrical house wiring. Rubber cables are ideally suited for the food industry, as well. Rubber cables are manufactured using non-toxic materials. The food industry needs to adhere to strict guidelines as they are dealing with consumable items. Thanks to its non-toxic nature and being resistant to chemicals, rubber is used on a large scale in the food industry. Food processing units are susceptible to the growth of microbial organisms, if the relevant hygiene standards are not maintained. As rubber cables are easy to clean, they score over other cables in the hygiene area as well. Rubber cables are   resistant to animal fat and vegetable oil. It is very economical to install these types of cables. Steam and hot water is used on a regular basis in food processing units and rubber cables do not get affected by them. Thus, due to these above mentioned features, rubber wires and cables are the best choice for food processing units.


Ashish Poly is a veteran in the intriguing world of rubber wires and cables. He is credited for writing many articles about this industry.

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