Choosing the Right Generator for Your Event

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    Jun 11, 2014
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Choosing the Right Generator for Your Event Photo by Colin Armstrong

Summer in Britain is festival season and a chance to descend upon a field somewhere to enjoy the very best music, comedy, and entertainment. While the performers are naturally the ones that take all the plaudits at festivals and carnivals, the real stars of the show sit somewhere behind a tent, working tirelessly to power lights, speakers, PA systems and big screens. We are talking, of course, about portable generators.

An event is only ever as good as the generators that are powering it. If generators do not perform, acts cannot perform, and customers are left to suffer.

In the report The Power behind Festivals by the Green Festival Alliance, it was revealed that many generators used at outdoor events operated at low loads. What this basically means is that the generator used was more powerful than it needed to be. If you run a generator at low loads, the fuel consumed are greater than the energy produced; this is bad for your pocket and bad for the environment.

Diesel generators that are larger than required will cost more to hire and more to run – wasted money that could have been better spent on other areas of the event.

In total, the report estimates that 60% of generators used at outdoor events are more than double the required capacity. Power is one of the five largest single production costs associated with running a festival. While you need to ensure power demands are met and you do not run the risk of being left short, over compensating is damaging to your bottom line. For this reason, you should also deal with the experts.

Hiring from the professionals

Portable diesel generators come in various sizes and however large or small your event, you can be assured of finding a power solution to suit. At, we specialise in the provision of generators for events and shows and have the expertise to ensure your demands are met without over-specifying the equipment needed.

When choosing a generator for your event you should only pay for what you need, in terms of both power and fuel used. We will make sure that is the case, giving your customers a reason to go home happy.

At Apex generators, services like Hire Diesel Generators, need emergency power, servicing solution, fuel management and many other anonymous services one can get. is a specialist provider of diesel and portable generators for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications.

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In this article author writes about portable generators for your Events. If you interested in buying Diesel generators, electric generators or Generator hire visit

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