Ways to Fight Smelly Stink Bugs

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    Jan 01, 2014
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Stink Bug
Stink Bug
Photo by Dendroica cerulea

Stink bugs have not always been an issue for homeowners in the United States, unlike some other notorious pests. They odiferous creatures hitchhiked here on some cargo from Asia in the late 1990s, and since then, they have been creating some real issues wherever they go. They will eat almost anything in sight, including entire fields of crops, so controlling these little monsters is a must.

What Do Stink Bugs Look Like?

Stink bugs are just under an inch long and brown all over their bodies. They have six legs and a fairly distinct shape, as they often resemble a shield. If you disturb just one, and you will quickly find out why they are called stink bugs – a horrible odor comes out almost immediately.

You may also notice their eggs on the underside of leaves in groups of about twenty at a time. The eggs are yellow, oval shaped projections with tiny spines on them.

Can They A Problem In Homes?

While they are certainly a big deal for your plants or a farmer’s crops, they’re also an issue if they get in your home. You do not want any bugs in your home, but you particularly do not want these guys in your home if anyone in the house has allergies, asthma, or other breathing problems. They can aggravate the condition, causing more issues than many other kinds of pests.

How Do I Keep Them Out?

A good integrated pest management program can help to keep stink bugs out of your home for good. You will want to start with a look outside your home. There are lots of tiny cracks and openings they can utilize to get in, so keep a close eye around the windows, doors, and foundation of your home. Get handy with a caulk gun so you can seal up any of those tiny openings. Be especially vigilant around utility pipe openings, as just a little gap may mean they can escape into your home. Look for damaged screens, too, because they are small enough to get through tiny spots where something has ripped a hole in your screen.

In the garden, you may want to set out traps to monitor the situation. If you begin to notice an issue, you will need to destroy as many as you can. Keep in mind that most of the insecticides available are only effective against the youngest members of the clan, so you may need to treat and retreat to get rid of the problem.

How Do I Get Them Out?

If they are already in, the best way to go ahead and get them out is to contact a pest control professionals. They can be tough to completely eliminate, and the right exterminator will have the tools and knowledge necessary not only to eliminate the infestation, but also to keep them from coming back in the future.Article Source: http://ransfordpc.com/2013/11/fight-stink-bugs-with-these-control-measures/

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Article Source: Ransford Pest

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