Reforms for employment-india

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    Sep 05, 2012
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The most ideal age to retire from any job, especially, the govt, is 50, if, one has enough funds to go on further.But for those in private companies and earning less than 20k is very difficult to have a continuous job and savings for the old age.Hence, its important he has to have a job even after the 50's.

But in india there is no option or encouragement for second career and no employer, private or govt, advertises for candidates of age upto 65. Even in insurance sectors, which is, a freelance job,govt has made it mandatory to pass the IREDA exams, which is unwarranted and an big obstacle for poor to earn even 5k & its not easy to pass out.I was failed for one mark.This is heights of stupidity. Either exam has to be removed or make all compulsory pass.

More over there are ads in all media, for freelancers,promosing,salary of upto 100k, with incomplete & misleading  info.There is no authority in india to take them to task.The standard statement from any politico and govt official is,people should bring them to their notice,while they cool their heels in the air conditioned rooms.Why cant they go in disguise and catch while they enjoy nice  AC, office, car,authority, immunity, job security, etc; It's a pity that Advertisers does not understand that these ads and notices does not bring even 5% positive & fruitful response.


Suggestion for Solution-

1. Every indian citizen must have atleast 2 years of compulsory govt job in his life time.
2. Jobs must be shared- half/half.
3. govt staff retirement age must be 50.
4. No second job for govt staff after retirement, this should go to the private company staff.
5. Minimum pension amount for the Govt staff not less than Rs.10000.00 and not more than
    Rs.20000.00, upto even  President level.

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