Rekindled Love?

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    Oct 28, 2012
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We were so in love but everthing we did was to the extreme. We both suffered with addictive personallities resulting in an extremly volitile relationship,but then came the making up!  Which I have to say our love making was fantastic. We were young with no responsabilities and often stayed in bed for days at a time.

Our relationship was a rollercoaster of emotions, but outside forces always seemed to intervene.and it seemed to me that happiness was a luxury people only dream of, and in the real world heartache seemed to be the norm.  After a while we "came out"to our neighbours, but to my horror the local gang of kids decided to target us,we were bombarded with abuse then the bricks at the windows started, it was a nightmare. So we moved and to my despair the grief followed us (I don't think one month went by without at least one of our windows going in)  After 15 years we decided to call it a day, I was brokenhearted but it was an amicable break.

It took me a long time to move on, I finally did and after seven yrs had a suprise in the form of a bouncing bundle of joy (I was a simgle mum).  I had come a long way ,but have you ever felt like there's something missing from your life? 

Then one day there was a knock at the door.  I never in a million years expected it, but as soon as we took one look at each other all the feelings came flooding back but with one difference; we were both older and wiser.  Plus living in a new area helps.  So we've decided to get back together after a seven year break but this time we are much more contented with our life and with each other, my beautiful bundle adores her, and we couldn't be happier. (And the bedroom department? Well you won't be hearing any complaints from yours truly) .                 

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jaybay30 loves writing for interesting articles

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