Finding The Right Maids Can Be Tricky

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    Mar 20, 2013
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Cream Chalon Housekeeper
Cream Chalon Housekeeper's Cupboard
Photo by ChalonHandmade

Let us just get straight to the point and admit that life is stressful, especially when it comes to keeping things neat and tidy. Most people would take cleaning help if possible in order to spend time on more enjoyable tasks. Finding the right maids can be tricky though. First, this is a tough economy right now so getting the most bang for your buck is a necessity. Possibly more important than finances is, getting someone you can trust. There are many horror stories of maid stealing, abusing household items, and if you are not present in the home at the time; not working to their full potential. Believe it or not there can be a way to find trustworthy help. Follow these simple guidelines to help find the right maid.

Hire a maid (or a house cleaning service) that has an established routine. So many times people hire maids to simply “clean” the home, and then get disappointed when something is not done. Either find a maid that has an established routine, or create a routine for them to follow. Make a list of things you want done every day (laundry, dishes etc), and also make a list of things that need to be done on a weekly routine (clean the stove). By establishing a routine with your maid they will know exactly what you want. Plus this way you will be able to weed out the lazy maids, from the ones who go above and beyond.

Know who you are hiring. This point cannot be stressed enough. If you do not feel comfortable with allowing a stranger into your home, do not do it. Ask friends if they know a reliable maid looking for work (or if they have a maid themselves-if that maid knows someone). Always be sure to have a thorough interview with a maid before they are hired. Do not be afraid to ask for a background check. If the maid has nothing to hide this should be fine. Above all else, check references. Sometimes people look great on paper, but you never know how well they do their job, until they start work. Contact employers they have worked for in the past, to get a better idea of who you are dealing with.

Now of course comes the discussion on finances. A word of advice: cheaper is not always better. Picking out the right maid is something you do not want to skimp on. Like getting a deal on a face lift, or buying meat at the dollar store, something are not better cheaper! A maid with experience can be a little pricier. Rest at ease though, because many NJ maids services will offer free home estimates, so the bill would not be too much of a surprise. To end, just remember that having the additional help can be rewarding, allowing you to spend more time doing the things that make you happy!

Maid for Mommy is central and southern New Jersey’s premier house cleaning services company. We are dedicated to taking care of all the cleaning chores around your home so you have more time to spend doing what you like. Relax with your family while our expert NJ maids service scrubs your kitchen and bathrooms to perfection. Sit back and enjoy a movie as we vacuum your carpets and polish your furniture. After you host the perfect party for friends, leave the cleaning to us—we’ll have your house spotless in no time. Visit or call 1-877-466-6697 for a free estimate and come home to a house that truly sparkles!

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Hire a maid (or a house cleaning service) that has an established routine.So many times people hire maids to simply “clean” the home, and then get disappointed when something is not done. Either find a maid that has an established routine, or create a routine for them to follow.

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