Adult Caregiving Family Vs Professional

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    Nov 11, 2013
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Adult Caregiving Family Vs Professional Photo by Scott F

Adult caregiving is stressful and difficult, not only because of the long hours that it demands but also because of the constant mental and physical exertion that it puts the caregiver through.  A study on US population has revealed that one in four US citizens is involved in family caregiving tending to elderly or sick family members.  The number is likely to rise as the baby boomers have reached a progressive state of ageing increasing the percentage of grey population in the society.  

A study conducted jointly by Pew Research Center and the California HealthCare Foundation has proposed that an increasing number of people opt for home care which has increased both demand and number of caregivers in family.

Caring for elderly or ailing parents may not remain limited only to administering medicine. Most people while starting on caregiving don’t realize the challenges associated with it.  Depending on patient’s situation caregiving may involve a great deal more. Aside medical assistance, adult patient may also demand companionship and emotional support that will help them battle loneliness and resulting depression.

Caregiving demands compassion but it is also a job of a specialist and needs training to help patients with special needs. Professional home caregivers in Massachusetts need to undergo professional nursing training to be able to qualify as professional adult caregivers.  They can assume a role of primary or secondary caregiver depending upon patient’s or his family’s requirements.

Home care Massachusetts providing agencies in Massachusetts hire only qualified and certified caregivers capable to offering caregiving solutions based on patient’s condition. Aside, monitoring medication the caregiver may also perform special tasks like – assisted ambulation, helping with getting out of bed in the morning, helping with personal grooming and maintaining hygiene, running errands, laundry, light housekeeping, monitoring to prevent accidents and falls, companionship, and more.   

There is no conflict between family and professional caregiving.  Both can work side-by-side to offer better caregiving routine to the patient. Moreover, professional caregivers are adaptive to the changing needs of the patients and can adjust better.

Family caregivers face challenges in balancing their daily lives with increasing caregiving needs of the elderly. A professional home care provider can help relieving the pressure on the family member by sharing caregiving responsibilities.

The decision about engaging professional caregiver however should be taken after discussing the matter with the recipient. Sometimes elderly are resentful about accepting a stranger into their house.  It can offer some difficulties before the caregiver in performing her duties. Introducing caregiver to the patient before engaging her in employment would help breaking ice faster.

Hiring professional caregivers is a crucial decision and should be taken after discussing the matter with other family members. The choice may only be restricted to reputed agencies with years of proven track record in offering adult caregiving supports.

The charges for caregiving may vary depending on hours, experience, and tasks the caregiver would perform. You normally have the freedom t to interview a caregiver before engaging her and shop around for affordability.

Author's Profile

Commonwealth Caregivers is a family owned agency offering qualified nursing to elderly and ailing. For many years they are a trusted name in offering home care Massachusetts.

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