Staying Healthy and Eating Sweet.
Today every cake shop is putting in those extra hours to create exotic new low fat desserts. Delectable and delicious desserts are cheat day a dish one has for the day, the diet is on a holiday. For the normal people a healthy choice is a must. In Bombay, the new delicious healthy delicacies are on rise. Whether your goal is to lose weight, look your best, improve yours and your family’s health or you simply want to discover the healthy alternatives to sugar and chemical-laden junk foods. With people travelling and learning about new dishes, exposing themselves to television shows, they have learnt so much about new dishes and want to try them but with being health conscious they now want substitutes to those dishes as well. This creates competition among cake shops to produce new ranges to meet the demand. Replacing soda with diet soda, white to brown breads, oatmeal’s in cookies. A sweet tooth is meant to be satisfied—yes, even if you're watching your weight. Dessert, after all, is one of life's pleasures, and deprivation typically backfires. It doesn't have to be a high-calorie, high-fat disaster, either: The trick is making smart choices and substitutions.
Not just low-fat desserts but desserts with benefits. Not every chocolate cake or banana nut muffin is created equal. Look for things without a lot of butter, nuts, or creamy frosting. Since feeling guilty can ruin a good meal, why not try some of our ideas instead of your “regular” desserts?
Low fat cookie, Frozen 100% juice bar , Fresh berries with low fat creamer, A few pieces of chocolate, Frozen grapes, Angel food cake, Pudding made with skim milk, Non-dairy frozen dessert, Low fat ice cream or sorbet, Pieces of fruit, A fresh fruit smoothies
A Cake shop in Andheri has started a wide range of Diet Desserts for heal conscious people and keeping with the trends and their competition this particular cake shops in Andheri West ensures these taste nothing short of their original- full of sugar counterparts.
In fact, another cake shop also in Andheri only stocks sweets and dessert for the diet conscious. Everything available with them is made of sugar free sweets, brown breads, no white flour, gelatin free mixes-everything that you look for in a health conscious dessert. So, yes while you’re worrying about cutting down sweets, relax, someone else is worrying about getting the healthy alternative available to you.