The Benefits to Invisalign and the Many Reasons Why It Is Better Than Braces

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    Jan 13, 2013
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There are many people who are starting to consider Invisalign and one of the common questions that dentists run into today is, is it better than braces? The truth is, Invisalign is a revolutionary product and it has changed the way that orthodontists provide teeth straightening services. Below, you will find what some of the many benefits are to it, and reasons why it is better than braces, and reasons why many people around the world are starting to choose it over braces.

#1 - Invisalign is great for all ages including children, young adults, and adults
Invisalign is a product that can be used by anyone. Dentists and orthodontists are using Invisalign regularly on children, young adults, and adults as well. It's the perfect opportunity to get straight teeth so that your smile can look fantastic and be supported by the latest technology in braces.

#2 - Invisalign is extremely hard to see, it's not very noticeable like braces
When it comes to something like braces, which are going to be worn on the outside of your teeth, it's very important that they are not bulky and distracting. Often times, braces that orthodontists use today can be very bulky and unattractive. As an alternative, Invisalign is a product that is extremely hard to see, it's not noticeable like what you often experience with braces. Invisalign allows you to get straight teeth, without having to install something onto your teeth that is going to be detrimental to your appearance.

#3 - Invisalign is inexpensive compared to traditional braces
Another reason why more people are considering products like Invisalign is because it is cost effective. When compared to something like braces, Invisalign is typically 25 percent to 50 percent less. There many reasons for this, but primarily it is because it is a product that is less invasive than traditional braces. Regular braces have to be worn consistently for about two years, and you often have to go to the orthodontist in order to get checkups. Invisalign is more hands-off and you only have to go a couple of times and you don't have to worry about wearing rubber bands or any other type of additional product that the dentist recommends.

#4 - Invisalign is very easy to install
Invisalign can be worn on and off at your discretion. This is an excellent feature, because traditional braces are permanent until they are finally taken off. With Invisalign, you get to decide when you want to wear it. This is a great feature, because a lot of people would prefer to take it off when they're going on a date, meeting a family member or friend, or doing any other type of activity where they're going to be put in the spotlight. Additionally, Invisalign can easily be worn at night while you are sleeping, which makes it extremely easy to get straight teeth.

There have been a lot of benefits from new technological advancements in straightening teeth, such as Invisalign. If you want your children, or yourself to have the best teeth, then you need to consider this as an option.

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If you are thinking about using Invisalign to straighten your teeth, you can find out more information about it by going to:

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