Recreation Management Courses With Specific Focus Benefit Grads

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    Oct 16, 2013
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Recreation Management Courses With Specific Focus Benefit Grads Photo by Jason White

Recreation management courses within the Recreation and Leisure Services program are all designed to ensure that after two years of study students are ready to take on the roles of leisure service professionals who, as front-line practitioners, are in direct contact with program participants. The titles of these professionals include outreach workers, group facilitators, teachers, coaches, advocates, referral workers and counselors who work in long-term care settings, hospitals, municipal community recreation centres, school-aged childcare centres, rehabilitation centres and, youth-focused organizations.

Additionally, the focused structure that includes 26 recreation management courses prepares students to participate in articulated programs with selected universities, institutes and professional associations by applying academic credit towards further study. The partnerships include Brock University's Recreation and Leisure Studies degree (degree studies can be completed in just two additional years) and Athabasca University (60 credits can be received toward a 120-credit Bachelor of Professional Arts degree - Human Service major).

Here are five of the most beneficial recreation management courses that students in this program attend.

Recreation Programming 1 & 2: Presented in the first and second semesters, these recreation management courses first expose students to the purpose of programming, the different types of programming and the leadership required for programming to a variety of populations. They then concentrate on the understanding and creation of needs assessments, leadership concepts and practices, and practical experience in programming.

Recreation Management and Marketing: On the marketing end, this recreation management course covers topics such as the creation of a marketing plan and the generation of revenue including the aspects of grant and proposal writing. Meanwhile, on the management side, students learn employee/employer responsibilities including human rights issues, the development of a staffing process, staff supervision, labour relations, organizational structures and budgets and contracts.

The Business of Recreation: Going hand-in-hand with recreation management courses such as Recreation Management and Marketing is this class. Topics include the framework of contemporary business, legalities and factors in business success or failure. Various industry opportunities are reviewed with public and commercial recreation industries.

Field Placements: Centennial is the only college in Ontario that features extensive supervised field placements. These recreation management courses are facilitated in semesters two, three and four. They see students working off-campus at organizations that offer recreation and leisure services where they carry out activities required to implement programs offered. The field placements are also an opportunity to demonstrate a range of leadership styles, prepare promotional materials, develop and evaluate programs for individuals and/or groups in the community.

Launching Your Career: Centennial College prides itself on ensuring that students are successful upon graduation. Following the field placements, this recreation management familiarizes them with professional organizations, job preparation, including the development of a portfolio, networking and identification of trends and issues in the sector.

To attend these recreation management courses, students must apply with: at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older; the compulsory English 12C or U or skills assessment, or equivalent. Although it is not a requirement, volunteer work in a related field is recommended prior to application. Additionally, attending a program admission session is highly recommended.

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Jason wrote this piece about the recreation management courses offered at Centennial College, which include The Business of Recreation as well as Recreation Management and Marketing.

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