Complete a Unique Software Design Program in Two Years

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    Jun 11, 2013
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Complete a Unique Software Design Program in Two Years Photo by Jason White

Did you know that after completing Centennial College’s unique software design program, officially known as Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences – Bridging to Software Systems Design, students can obtain work as software developers, software testers, game programmers, computer programmers, system analysts, business analysts, web application developers, database administrators, applications or software support and more? That’s because this offering makes it possible to complete the Software System Design degree in just two years, by allowing students to join the fifth semester of Software Systems Design degree starting every fall.

To apply for this software design program, students are required to possess a three-year computer programmer/analyst diploma from an Ontario college, or a computer science/information technology/software engineering degree from a recognized institution with a GPA of 2.8 or higher. Additionally, it should be noted that English proficiency will be considered and a transcript review will be required.

Once students are accepted, they will attend software design courses that are fully accredited by the Canadian Council of Technician and Technologies (CCTT). This joint accreditation is the first of its kind in Canada. As such, graduates from the program may apply for certified membership to either CIPS or their provincial engineering technology association.

Before they can do so, however, software design program students attend a range of courses that include three bridging courses: two in mathematics and one in computer architecture during regular semesters.

More specifically, software design program students attend courses such as: Software Design Patterns, Technical Writing and Documentation, Cryptography and Information Security, Database Programming, Computer and Human Interaction, Discrete Mathematics, Programming for Network Systems, Architecting Database Solutions, Business Consulting, Emerging Technologies, and more.

To balance training, students of the software design program also partake in three different software development projects. During the first, students apply their consulting skills through the process of the requirement analysis of a real life design problem. They then develop and/or implement a software systems design project that meets stated business objectives for an organization in a specific vertical market such as: health services, insurance, real estate, banking, heavy manufacturing, retail, transportation, and government. This initial client needs analysis is followed by a proposed set of project design specifications, followed up further with a feasibility analysis. A final report summarizing all the work done so far along with a proposed project plan for further work will be submitted for grading. During the second project, students are required to work in teams to design and implement a complete application for a small company. The project makes use of enterprise tools to build enterprise-level data integration and provide view of all business data. The final of the software design program projects sees students work in a team to design and implement a complete application for a real business by applying agile software development techniques, such as TDD (Test Driven Design). The project must involve teamwork, oral and written communication skills, problem solving, documentation, and great research skills.

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Klaudia wrote this piece about the software design program at Centennial College, which sees grads fill positions such as system analyst, business analyst and more.

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