Three Things You Might Not Know about Fashion Designers

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    Jul 15, 2014
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Three Things You Might Not Know about Fashion Designers Photo by Colin Armstrong

The world of high fashion is dominated by a select group of designers whose names and reputations demand respect. Their designs are seen on the runways of Paris, Milan, New York, and London, as well as the red carpets of Hollywood and Cannes. Yet as powerful as the designers might be, who they are and what they do remains largely mysterious to the fashion buying public. No doubt, their creative thinking and working is so powerful which can dominate anyone to go and buy for the same. On the creative side, these designers are very famous to develop a great and stylish fashion in the market so that the world can follow the same and look stun all the time.

Here are three things you might not know about fashion designers:

1. Not All of Them Went to School

It is true there are some very elite fashion schools that have produced some very big names. However, not every A-list fashion designer has received a formal education. A good number of them started as interns learning to design the mid-range and low-end clothing manufacturers produce in mass quantities.

Among those that did go to school, some originally went to study art before turning to fashion. They learned about things like colour, form, texture, and visual perception. What they learned in art school they were able to translate into a successful fashion career.

2. Most Can Draw and Sew

The dual abilities of drawing and sewing are almost a necessity for the modern fashion designer. One must be able to draw unless he's willing to create a complete outfit from scratch, put it on a mannequin, and take a picture that can be used for promotional and display purposes. And of course, temperamental designers would never trust someone else to produce a new prototype. They learn to sew in order to create their own prototypes.

3. They Don't All Work for the Stars

There are only a handful of designers able to command the top money offered by celebrities. Guess what? Most fashion designers do not work for the stars. They work for clothing manufacturers who sell discount clothing to companies like web-based

We hope the limited information we have provided gives you a little better understanding of fashion designers. Suffice it to say that the means is there for you to be a fashion designer if that is what interests you. All it requires is a passion for design and a willingness to work hard.

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