How to Choose Quality Second-Hand Clothing

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    Jul 21, 2014
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How to Choose Quality Second-Hand Clothing Photo by Colin Armstrong

Second-hand clothing can yield many bargains. The problem is that for every great garment you are going to discover nine inferior quality pieces. Veteran shoppers know what to look for and where to search for the best second-hand clothes though.

We will look at how you can sort the good from the bad, whether you are looking at dresses or jeans.

Shop Well
Limit yourself to stores that you know have a good reputation. Search for reviews of charity shops and second-hand stores online. It is much quicker than following the trial and error method where you tour every second-hand store you can find in the hope you find a good one.

By only frequenting ones with a positive reputation, you remove much of the shopping work from the very beginning.

Look at the Labels
The manufacturer can tell you a lot about the quality of the garment. It might cost more to purchase something made by a well-known designer, but they typically use better materials and last longer.

The chances are you will find many designers you've never heard of before. This could either be because they are relatively unknown or before your time. You tend to get a lot of vintage clothing from defunct designers in second-hand stores.

Search online to see if you can find out anything about these dealers. It will help you to get an idea of what you're dealing with.

Check the Seams
Always run your eyes down the seams. If you look at ladies overcoats, you might find the seam is coming lose. This is a sign that the piece is coming to the end of its life. You can compromise on many things, but this is something you cannot compromise on. Always make sure it's tough and secure. Give the seam a little pull. If it begins to unravel, it's something to leave well alone.

In the case of jumpers, check the elastic around the neck holes. See how secure they are. Remember, you can replace the odd button quite easily, but repairing a sleeve that's threatening to rip off is another matter altogether.

Go for Natural Fibers
Natural fibers are the best for second-hand clothing. These are more durable than their man made counterparts are. Acrylics tend to peel within a few years. On the other hand, polyester garments will wear out faster as well and they decay at a faster rate. A good woolen jumper, for example, may last for decades without any problems.

Stains and Rips
The chances are you do not want to be performing any repair work to your new purchases. Carefully examine each potential buy for stains, broken zippers, and tears. This is especially true if you're looking at women's fashion choices in a charity shop. You sometimes get poor quality items on the shelves, when realistically they should be in a recycling bag.

In the case of dyed clothing, run a damp cloth or baby wipe across it. You should not encounter any form of colour run-off. Older items are more prone to colour run-off.

Author's Profile

IKrush offers the latest quality clothing choices from the world of Women's Fashion. They provide expert buying advice for women looking to outfit their wardrobes.

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