Most People Think That Being Famous Is Heaven, Although In Fact, Its More Like Hell

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    Oct 26, 2012
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A lot of men and women want to be famous. In fact, fame is very compelling to most people. Obviously, there are some persons who will stop at nothing in their pursuit of fame because they want to be celebrities.

Generally speaking people want to be the object of admiration. Actually they think they will be praised and loved and that they won`t have any money worries. They see being famous as “heaven”. It seems to me that celebrities` lives are heaven and hell at the same time. Frankly, their lives are both fairy tales and nightmares.  They become public properties. They surely become the object of envy, criticism, interrogation, ridicule and spite. Apparently the public has no mercy, no shame. Reporters don`t respect their privacy, and they invade into their lives. To conclude, mass media is nowadays very powerful. Basically, newspapers, magazines, television and radio always require new interviews, profiles and photos  of celebrities.

 Mass media subjects celebrities to humiliation. Their lives are most of the time nightmares and only sometimes fairy tales. Kurt Cobain, who was often referred to as the ``spokesman of a generation`, killed himself with a gun in his apartment.  He left a suicide note near his body.  It said: ``I haven`t felt the excitement of listening as well as creating music, along with really writing…for too many years now``.    Amy Winehouse also couldn`t handle the fame and it is believed that her death was due to drug overdose.  Janis Joplin died of an overdose of drugs too.   She had difficulties coping with the fame as well. Jim Morrison felt uncomfortable with media. attention. He died in a bathtub in his Paris apartment.  The cause of his death was `heart failure`, but heroin use was probably involved, possibly inhaled because he thought it was cocaine. 

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I love writing about various topics and I am interested in many things.

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