Keep Your Day Job and Earn Some Extra Money with These Interesting Business Ideas

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    Jun 01, 2013
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Bright Idea
Bright Idea
Photo by mLabSA

Are you interested in finding some ways to earn extra money on the side to supplement your 9-5 job? Would you like to set aside money for a family vacation, a new car or to pay a few bills? Finding ways to supplement your income may not be as challenging or time-consuming as you think. Here are some quick and creative part-time business ideas to help you achieve your financial goals with little or no investment while maintaining the steady income of your current job. Who knows, maybe your new part-time venture will blossom into something you truly love!

Garage Sales

if you have ever had a garage sale, you know this is a fairly easy way to generate decent cash without a ton of effort. What if you could generate that income every weekend? You could host a weekly garage sale at your home and sell not only your own items but those of family and friends while splitting the revenue with them. A lot of people are anxious to get rid of their clutter but do not want to put the effort into hosting their own garage sale--making this a great service for you to offer.

Handyman Services

You would be surprised how many people need help with odd jobs around their homes. If you are a handy person, you should have no difficulty generating regular income from this business idea. Another advantage of this side job is that a lot of your customers will appreciate your availability during off-hours, as they have regular 9-5 jobs as well.


Many parents are looking for people to tutor their child in subjects ranging from reading, writing to math. If you excel in one of these areas and are good with children, this is an excellent way to earn some extra cash during your off hours. Parents will be especially appreciate if you can come to their home to offer your services giving them one less place to drive their children.

• Babysitting

You may think babysitting was something reserved for your teenage years. However, a lot of parents struggle to find a reliable babysitter for their children during evening and weekend hours. With the average hourly rate around the country ranging from $10.00 to $14.00/hour, this is a great way to earn some extra cash on the side. Once you establish a good reputation, you will be surprised how quickly you will receive referrals from satisfied parents.

Cleaning Service for Businesses

Businesses need cleaning services during evening and weekend hours as they are occupied during regular business hours. This makes a cleaning service business a fantastic business idea for people looking for side work. You can earn some extra money working a few evening or weekend hours each week.

Freelance Writing

Are you good with the written word? There are a lot of business owners looking for people to write content for them including articles, blog entries, press releases and marketing materials. These jobs are usually fairly flexible and can be done online on your own time. Take the time to search out the internet for freelance writing jobs.

Hopefully, these business ideas have inspired you to think about some quick and easy ways you can supplement your current income without sacrificing the security of your 9-5 job. If none of these ideas appealed to you, brainstorm with friends and family about places in their lives where they could use some assistance. This might inspire you to offer a service you had never considered before. Wishing you much success on your journey!

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