Do Architects Dream of Concrete Sheep?

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    May 14, 2013
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Sheep - but not concrete
Sheep - but not concrete
Photo by A Roger Davies

Architects and Architectural Consultants spend most of their days designing new builds, remodelling existing layouts and solving building design problems. While Architectural Consultants can’t be called Architects, these experts also have the skills and experience to balance function and aesthetics to create comfortable, practical and appealing building designs.

Architectural Consultants live and dream about building materials and building design. They can cover a wide range of design projects including:

• Commercial
• Retail
• Industrial
• Utilities
• Residential
• Renovation and remodelling
• Specialist restoration

Assessing Materials

There is a wide diversity of materials available on the market for building design and architectural consultants will be able to offer advice on materials from traditional concrete and brick through to those that can offer improved energy efficiency and sustainability. This can be very useful if you want to improve the green credentials of your home building projects. Energy efficient materials can help you to reduce wastage and save money into the future. They can be well worth any initial investment and can help to future-proof buildings against rising energy costs.

Design and Conception

One of the most important services provided when it comes to building design is the drawings. These detailed plans enable clients to visualise exactly how their buildings will look and perform. This is an important part of any design project as problems and issues can be identified and solved at an early stage before any work has been carried out. This can save a lot of time and money and can ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Too many people start their projects without detailed drawings. This can mean that they are never really able to visualise the end result or see potential pitfalls ahead. They can run into expensive and time-consuming problems that might have been easily avoided at the planning stages. They could also find that the end result does not look or perform as they thought and this can be a big disappointment.

Architectural plans offer a practical way to give focus to projects and ensure everyone knows just what they are trying to achieve. Plans also provide an effective way to solve design problems and ensure projects run smoothly.

Dealing with Architectural Consultants

It is important to contact architectural consultants and speak to them personally about your projects. You will want to engage one that you can work with and one whom shares your vision. Take the time to view their portfolios to see what kind of work they have been involved with in the past. They will help to give you an idea about their design style and specialist areas.

Also consider how involved you want the architectural consultant to be in your project. You may want to oversee the project yourself. In this case you would only need their services to perhaps provide drawings and offer occasional consultation services. However you might feel more comfortable with an expert at the helm of your building design projects. An architectural consultant could manage the whole project for you from providing the drawings to offering on-site guidance for builders and tradesman.

Architectural consultants offer many expert services when it comes to building design needs. If you are thinking about starting a building project then they can help you achieve your goals within budget and on time.

Author's Profile

Jon Mathews is a frequent contributor for Building by Design and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding architectural consultants, building by design, and planning, especially on such subjects as providing architectural design & consultants services for the residential market.

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