5 Strategies to Enhance Employer Branding

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    Jun 05, 2013
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Employee relations are vital for a successful business
Employee relations are vital for a successful business
Photo by AFGE

Employer branding is the image that an employer projects about the organisation denotes its reputation as an employer.

In today’s highly competitive market, employer branding is a crucial tool for attracting and retaining the right kind of employee. It helps in improving employee’s loyalty and job satisfaction by increasing their identification with the company. Hence, if a company has a strong employer brand, then it is considered a distinctive place to work, with higher career opportunities and prospects.

Hiring and retaining top performers is essential for growth and to maintain a competitive edge. If a company is viewed as being an unpopular employer, it will consequently affect the employees and thus cause mismanagement in the entire corporate system.

Here are few points to increase employer branding for your company/organisation:

1. Communication Strategy
• There should be a planned detailing of how information and issues will be presented in order that people will understand and respond to them.
• Keeping the communication channels open between employer and the employees.
• Once the organisation makes it clear for an employee to know the right person to communicate with, all they need to do is choosing the most efficient and effective channels for reaching them.
• Thus, it prevents contradictory, confusion, misinterpretation, etc. between the employee and employer.

2. Employer Value Proposition(EVP)
• The EVP is the balance of the rewards and benefits that are received by employees in return for their performance at the workplace.
• The EVP gives current and future employees a reason to work for an organisation.
• Value proposition should identify the unique policies, processes and programs that demonstrate the organisation’s commitment towards employees.
• Sometimes EVP’s are the central reasons that people choose to commit themselves to an organisation.

3. Action
• Once you know what your target audience wants, the next step is to find out how well you deliver it.
• Implementing all the steps and monitoring closely what needs to be changed along the way is an essential stage of employer branding.
•  Employers should research their environment to know how their target group perceives them; understand what they want and need from them, thus making the changes.
• An evaluation of all activities will need to be made sure that they are on track.

4. Evolve with the times
• A report reveals that globally, upgrading employer branding is considered the second most essential and long term trend with respect to recruitment.
• As business challenges change, the employee value proposition also goes through alterations.
• So keeping up with the times and making the changes to your employer branding strategy with the passage of time is definite.
• Thus, with the change and development in technology and generation, dynamism is very important to keep up with situations.

5. Appreciation of employees
• It is very necessary for a good employer to motivate his employees by a word of appreciation.
• This boosts the morale of the employee and an atmosphere of healthy competition arises between the employees.
• A perfect balance has to be made so that positive relations are built which adds to employer branding.

Author's Profile

Tushnaa Kapadia is an online marketing enthusiast working for Gracia Marcom, a graphic and design agency based in India.

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