Using the Booming Smart Phone Market and QR Codes to Promote your Business

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    May 21, 2013
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25th January 25/365
25th January 25/365
Photo by fifikins

Did you know that one of the hardest things emergency service crews have to do is contact the next of kin after they have been involved inan accident. Sometimes it can take days. Tom Force is a retired fire man who lost his mother after she was in a car accident. The worst part is that she died from her injuries whilst in hospital days after the accident.

If the emergency services had been able to contact him, he would have had a chance to say a final goodbye. This drove Tom to become founder and owner of I.C.E key tags. The ICE stands for in case of emergency. This innovative and simple idea enables the owner to write 2 phone numbers on it. The first being an in case keys are found. We all know what a pain it can be to lose our keys, never mind how much it costs to replace them all if they do not find their way back to us. The second is an emergency contact number so relatives can be called instantly. Mobile phones are often locked or broken after an accident.

Tom has now made the I.C.E key tag into an advertising and marketing tool that incorporates the booming smart phone market with QR code technology. By downloading a free app the owner of the tag can scan the code and be taken to any website of your choice wherever they are. There is so much more to this marketing tool that I can't fit into this article, but you can go to this link and downlaod the free PDF to find out just what you get all for the price of however many key tags you decide to purchase. Minimum order is 100 @ $1.60 each, which is pretty cheap to get a whole marketing system that you can change every month free of charge.


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A truly ingenious marketing concept using smart phone and QR code technology to guide your customers to a website of your choosing wherever they are. Buy some key tags with your business details printed on one side and a QR code plus a lost keys number to call and an emergency contact number on the other side ensures your details are always on hand.

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