Why You Should Consider Replacing Older Electric Radiators
Electric radiators can easily last for a couple of decades and more if you take good care of them. There comes a time, though, where you have to consider whether it is worth investing in newer ones. Sometimes, keeping an older model of radiator in good health can actually lead to you losing money in the long-term.
In this guide, we will look at some of the reasons why you might want to consider replacing an older electric radiator.
Energy Savings : Newer models will always be more efficient than their older counterparts will. You can begin by measuring the British Thermal Units (BTUs) of an older radiator and comparing it to a newer one. You will always find you will save money, if the radiator you already have is old enough.
Compare the savings against how much it would cost to purchase new radiators. How long is it going to take you to recoup your investment?
If it takes five or six years to get that money back, for example, it is probably worth looking at newer radiators. Thankfully, you will usually make some savings in initial installation costs as well. It is not uncommon to see companies offering free installation right now.
Newer and Better Features : All new models of radiator will have a thermostat attached. Even the cheaper models will have these features. This was notnormally the case up to about ten years ago. It iscrucial to have a feature like a thermostat, or you will be wasting more money than you need to on your heating bills.
You also might discover many of the newer features are more convenient for you. Your needs could have changed since you had your last radiators installed, and the newer models could fulfil these needs to a far greater degree.
More in Maintenance : You will discover older vertical radiators breaking down as these get older. This will happen on a more frequent basis until they shut down completely. In the end, keeping an older model going could actually cost you more in on-going maintenance than replacing it entirely.
If you find your home’s heating system requiring essential maintenance on an annual basis, it is time to accept you need a replacement. Maintenance is costly and can drain any savings you make from your energy bills.
Choosing a New Radiator : Always talk to a professional before settling on a new radiator. They can help you choose the best radiator for your room. We believe it also ensures you are notmissing a better model elsewhere. If you’ve already picked one you like, you might have missed out on something better you’ve never heard of.
Visit our site to find out more about the various radiators on offer. You need to spend a few weeks looking into the options available to you. Some will give you better savings but are not as durable in the long-term, whereas some are more convenient to use and give you more control over the temperature of a room.
Choosing a new radiator is not a decision to take lightly!