Electric Heating: Save Money and Go Green

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    Jun 24, 2014
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Electric Heating: Save Money and Go Green Photo by Colin Armstrong

With UK energy prices continuing to rise and fossil fuels regarded as the number one issue in tackling carbon emissions, many UK homeowners are searching for alternative ways to heat their homes. Of these viable alternatives, it is electric heating that is leading the way.

'Electric' and 'heating' are not typically two terms that people put together and associate with efficient heating. This tends to be because of two things: storage heaters and that fact electricity is more expensive than gas.

Electric Heaters are Not Storage Heaters

Electric heating is traditionally seen as an expensive way to heat the home and this is because of the old storage heaters that became so popular after the introduction of the Economy 7 tariff in the 1970s. These heaters, while useful, and essential to people without a gas supply, were widely inefficient and rarely provided the 'right' heat. Modern electric heaters such as those offered at Electric-HeatingSupplies.co.uk are nothing like these old models; in fact, in terms of performance, they actually have more in common with conventional wet system radiators.

Modern electric heaters are designed to be 100% efficient (every unit that you pay for is turned into heat) and can be operated in exactly the same way as gas central heating radiators. Plugged in at the wall or spur wired into existing storage heater sockets, these heaters can be installed anywhere you need them. Crucially, they also come fitted with in-built controls to regulate temperature so you only ever use the heat that you need. While gas is cheaper on paper than electricity, this level of control means installing electric heating in your home is a more cost-efficient. Radiators can be switched on and off as required and are not dictated by a 'master' radiator. 

Eco-Friendly Heating

While gas resources continue to deplete, electric heating has a long-term future as a renewable energy source produced by solar, wind, hydro, and wave technologies. Not only does this make heaters a safe and reliable long-term investment, it makes them an eco-friendly heating solution. As governments continue towards their aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050, electricity will become increasingly influential as an energy source.

So, electric heaters can save you money and help lower your carbon footprint. What more could you possibly want from a home heating solution?

Electric-HeatingSupples.co.uk is the UK's leading provider of electric heating solutions, offering state-of-the-art products designed to improve heating.

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Electric-HeatingSupples.co.uk is the UK's leading provider of electric heating solutions, offering state-of-the-art products designed to improve heating.

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