Does Your Dryer Take Too Long To Dry?

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    Jan 01, 2014
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Does Your Dryer Take Too Long To Dry? Photo by Appliance Doctorx

Clothes Dryer (noun)…An appliance designed to eat socks. ~ Fun Definitions

A clothes dryer that is taking too long to dry your clothes is a problem that an appliance repair specialist can most likely easily fix, but the key to solving the puzzle lies in figuring out which dryer part is the culprit. To be on the safe side, before attempting any maintenance or repair, always disconnect the clothes dryer from the power supply to minimize the chance of electric shock.

One way to avoid costly appliance repair concerns the maintenance of the lint filter. If it is full and laden with the residue of fabric softener, it can definitely lengthen drying time because the airflow is restricted. Clean it out every time you use the dryer, and wash it once or twice a year in warm, soapy water. Dry it out thoroughly before putting back into place and never operate the dryer without it.

The problem may also lie in your household fuses and circuit breakers. Most dryers use two fuses or circuit breakers. If one of them has tripped for whatever reason, the dryer may still tumble but not provide any heat. Check the controls on your washer, as they could also increase drying time, especially if they are set incorrectly. The last thing you need is to call in an appliance repair specialist only to have him merely flick a finger and turn the controls to solve the now unnecessarily costly dilemma.

Make sure the vent pipe on your clothes dryer is the right length. According to General Electric, it should be 4 inches in diameter and constructed of solid metal. Flexible metal venting can also be used, but it may increase drying time. The flexible white plastic vent pipe is not recommended because it has been known to collapse and hinder the airflow, which causes a buildup of lint inside the dryer. Many heaters fail before their time because of this venting material.

Improper loading and sorting procedures can also increase drying time and bring the appliance repairman to your door. The machine cannot work efficiently if there are too many items or too few in the dryer. If you need to dry less than five items, use the time dry option. If only one article of clothing needs washing and the machine is level, add two similar items to the load even if they are dry, since this will insure proper tumbling. Improper sorting can also affect drying time. Never mix hard-to-dry items with lightweight ones.

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One way to avoid costly appliance repair concerns the maintenance of the lint filter. If it is full and laden with the residue of fabric softener, it can definitely lengthen drying time because the airflow is restricted.

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