Is On-Page & Off-Page Optimisation a Necessity Today?

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    Apr 27, 2013
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Internet cafe in Belgium
Internet cafe in Belgium
Photo by The Sean & Lauren Spectacular

To generate more sales and leads, your website must be on the first page of search engine result pages (SERPs). Is it possible to achieve such high rankings in today’s Google penguin arena? Yes, it is definitely possible. To increase your website’s ranking, you need to focus on both on-page and off-page optimisation. Most often, web owners skip on-page optimisation and pay much attention to off-page optimisation which may not offer maximum results.

On-page optimisation is just like a foundation which makes your website seo-friendly, fast and user-friendly. When your foundation is strong, you can start to focus on off-page optimisation to increase your website ranking.

Here are some simple on-page and off-optimisation tips that might help you to increase your website ranking and traffic quickly and effectively:

Keyword Research:

For both on-page and off-page optimisation, keywords are very important. You need to dedicate your time for finding the best keywords that are used frequently by the customers to search products or services related to your business. When looking for keywords, try to include some keyword phrases as well.

On-page optimisation:

When performing on-page optimisation, you need to focus on Meta tags, alt tags, H1 tags, URL structure, site maps, keyword density and internal linking strategy. As Google’s latest update penalizes websites for keyword stuffing, you need to analyze the keyword density of your site. When creating Meta title and description for web pages, you need to create unique title and description for each page. Your contents must be easy to understand, brief, fresh and unique. To load your website faster, you need to remove unwanted flashy animations and videos.

Off-page optimisation:

After optimising your website, you need to search and find some effective search engine optimisation strategies to boost your website’s ranking. Make sure the strategies which you choose are white hat techniques because black hat techniques such as article spinning and automatic submission can drastically hurt your website’s ranking.

Some effective seo strategies are content posting, directory submission, social media and local business listings. Like keywords, content also plays an important role in increasing your website’s ranking. To get high quality backlinks, you need to create unique, informative and fresh contents and must post them in popular article directories. When creating contents, you need to pay attention to keyword density because excess keywords will make your content unworthy.

Make use of these on-page and off-page optimisation tips to boost your website’s ranking and traffic.

Author's Profile

When choosing search engine optimisation packages you need to choose the best packages to boost your website ranking quickly. The author is an expert in the search engine optimisation field and has written many articles regarding UK directory submission services and seo packages london in the past.

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