Job Interview Coaching

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    Aug 16, 2013
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Job Interview Coaching Photo by Peter Paul

When young people finish their training and go for that first important job interview they have their hopes set high, but often they never hear from that potential employer again. Even if you have impeccable references, high passes and a brilliant resume there is still one thing that could be lacking and that is the ability to put yourself across at an interview. Interview coaching in Sydney might be just the thing to get you through.

When you have not had a great deal of life experience or any job experience you often lack the confidence to say clearly what you could do for the company. This lack of confidence will show up clearly in your job interviews – and of course, the more unsuccessful interviews you go through, the less likely you are to be confident.

When a potential employer sits across the table at that first interview they are really looking for more than good grades at university; they want to take on board a person who they feel is confident in handling the work load and adding value to the company. They also want someone who will fit in with the rest of the staff and get on well with them.

Employers tend to choose staff based a lot on their personality as well as what is in their resume. But many young people do not feel comfortable pushing themselves and their skills forward – especially if they have had little work experience. They may not have a bubbly personality. To do well at any interview they would certainly benefit from interview skills training.

Job interview coaching will show you how to put your best foot forward. It helps to point out many of the little things that you may not be doing at your interview. Simple things such as making positive eye contact, sitting up straight, wearing the right kind of clothes for the job and speaking clearly are all important in a job interview. Of course there is much more to it than this, but even these small things are important.

Going into an interview with a positive mind-set is really important and it will show up in your manner, looks and speech. Having a fair idea ahead of time of the kind of questions you will be asked will certainly help you to cope well with an interview and give you confidence, and that will attract your employer to you. It could well just give you the edge over your competition and land you that job you want so badly.

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